List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

sorry but people are brainwashed, if i could get you to believe in the 3 headed monster that lives in the closet, without any evidence ,people would say you are brainwashed .

...of course they would. I WOULD.

But you would have to produce a 3 headed monster that, in far too many ways to be coincidental, shows the processes and stages of life - so much so that a great myth is drawn around it. And also, have it feel real enough to entice conviction, that of the 'teresas' of this world. Mass pilgrimages would be cool too. I mean, getting that many people together for a single cause is a tough thing to do. I ask my selves to do that all the time but they refuse :cuss:
lol man oh man what proceses and stages of life does your religion or beliefs show ? and the conviction and mass pilgrimige is easy gatherd by a pointed sword .
allso around the same time as your talking about you could get the whole town to believe mrs smith is a witch cause she looked at your sheep funny and 3 days later one died .
lol man oh man what proceses and stages of life does your religion or beliefs show ? and the conviction and mass pilgrimige is easy gatherd by a pointed sword .
allso around the same time as your talking about you could get the whole town to believe mrs smith is a witch cause she looked at your sheep funny and 3 days later one died .

...I don't see any pointed swords around here.

And that Mrs. Smith...mmm, let me tell you...when you're hot you're hot - man!...she's smokin' ;)
yeah completely dodge the point with pointless drivel .

I...don' Kinda to the point don't you think?

Hand me some books, and I'll gladly read them. The religious nutjobs around here post links to ponder, do you even look past titles? To me it's pretty simple, it's which lens you look at the world with. I can say that I am far more interested in being 'here' and working with what is 'here'. I can't really do a live study on events that have happened; and the simple truth is that they don't serve our conscious lives...we serve them.
so they show pictures and you say you dont believe them means they're fake? i dont really get that and as i said before i dont wish anything or have nothin hard wired into me belivin fantastical alien stories, but when shit like that is put in front of me i cant deny it. you mentioned nothin about the monuments that were shown that cant be explained by any kinda modern measure. to me thats all the proof i need for me to say thats how it coulda gone.

Are you familiar with the story of Piltdown man? Someone took a human skull and an orangutan jaw, treated them chemically to look very old, and placed them in a paleontological dig in Wales. For decades scientists believed the "fossil" to be the real deal, most convenient because it provided a "missing link" between modern man and the old forms already known as true fossils.
Piltdown Man was a hoax ... a practical joke that went bad.
The photos associated with the Russian segment could be the same - photos of entirely unrelated corpses used to spice up a tale, uncertain by itself, of a lost expedition. I consider that sort of explanation, while not provable, much more likely than the actions of some mysterious, unnatural, powerful force that hits Ghost Story markers with suspicious efficiency.

The churches in Ethiopia are cool, but sandstone is easily worked. I see nothing remarkable about them except that someone dedicated a fair amount of labor to their construction, or rather selective excavation.
As for Baalbek, they carved huge rocks and emplaced them. It's impressive but not eerie. A modern team has successfully used our best guess at Bronze Age technology to move and erect an obelisk weighing hundreds of tons. There is something about scale that amazes the kid in us, but not the engineer.

The presenters of that steaming pile of telejournalism knew what they were doing. It takes both some training and a willingness to be skeptical to dismantle their sales tactics. Once one does that, the story falls apart ime. The fact that they did use such hard-sell propagandist methods makes me have a very poor opinion of their characters as well as their story. They want to dupe people! cn
ah, the pilt, i had forgotten about that fuck up.. it seems both sides have had their fair share of fuck ups

Are you familiar with the story of Piltdown man? Someone took a human skull and an orangutan jaw, treated them chemically to look very old, and placed them in a paleontological dig in Wales. For decades scientists believed the "fossil" to be the real deal, most convenient because it provided a "missing link" between modern man and the old forms already known as true fossils.
Piltdown Man was a hoax ... a practical joke that went bad.
The photos associated with the Russian segment could be the same - photos of entirely unrelated corpses used to spice up a tale, uncertain by itself, of a lost expedition. I consider that sort of explanation, while not provable, much more likely than the actions of some mysterious, unnatural, powerful force that hits Ghost Story markers with suspicious efficiency.

The churches in Ethiopia are cool, but sandstone is easily worked. I see nothing remarkable about them except that someone dedicated a fair amount of labor to their construction, or rather selective excavation.
As for Baalbek, they carved huge rocks and emplaced them. It's impressive but not eerie. A modern team has successfully used our best guess at Bronze Age technology to move and erect an obelisk weighing hundreds of tons. There is something about scale that amazes the kid in us, but not the engineer.

The presenters of that steaming pile of telejournalism knew what they were doing. It takes both some training and a willingness to be skeptical to dismantle their sales tactics. Once one does that, the story falls apart ime. The fact that they did use such hard-sell propagandist methods makes me have a very poor opinion of their characters as well as their story. They want to dupe people! cn
Wrong, not all of us believe we will go to heaven....

He's speaking to the ones who do. He clearly is addressing those who interpret the bible literally. He is saying that most of his life he has felt it was not his place to step on someones beliefs, but after witnessing this thread he feels that those who believe literally the Adam and Eve story need to hear that God is not real. I can only speculate that the arrogance, certitude and absurdity he has seen in this thread was his motivation.

You spend so much time trying to differentiate yourself from typical Christians; start realizing that this difference also means that not all comments aimed at Christians are aimed at you. If they were aimed at strawmen that would be a different story, but they are aimed at posters in this thread.
what proceses and stages of life does your religion or beliefs show ?

my beliefs show me the stages of life and how it developed through the processes of evolution and adaptations to our environment, my belief in God helps me understand it just that bit more then you, cause at least I know where the pieces to all these creations came from... No, not the 7 days, but the billions of years it has taken a single celled organism to evolve into what we are today that were put there by God for us to discover and understand to our best abilities...

and the conviction and mass pilgrimige is easy gatherd by a pointed sword .

i dont see how a sword would do much of anything, you take out a sword and someone will take an AR-15, oh, yea, i forgot, you aint from the US, you cant own guns, only, knives and even at that, well i get your sword comment, LOL

you could get the whole town to believe mrs smith is a witch

Man you are really stupid still brining these points up... Do you not understand evolution? Or small adaptations to our environment? You claim to know so much, but your lack of understanding out weighs whatever it is you claim to know. People of those times were easily tricked into believing anything they were told. They were new to the land and had never seen indigenous Native American Indians before who would practice a very different religion then the white settlers that came. Stupid whites, left persecution cause of the church, once they got here, they did the same to the Native Indians. thats a whole other story, but you just keep brining these points that are stupid and ignorant.