Well-Known Member
It seems to me that if christianity is really what it claims to be that christian churches will be sending more people to hell than the devil , and that maybe they could all repent for the wicked shit that they impose on our society and stop breaking all their own rules and then saying It's ok I believe in Jesus so God will forgive me . No one else can be that special cause they are all going to hell for not being christians . Besides being a bunch of murderous bastards . If there is anyone who thinks its a good idea to kill little old ladies and babies just cause God told you to , then please by all means start by killing yourself and do the rest of us a favor . WERE sick of your self rightous judgemental bullshit ! Somewhere there may be christians who are not like that but I have never met them .
You have never met a chill Christian who doesn't kill people? Jeez, you need to go out a little more lol. If you met me I would smoke some bowls with you, play some n64, and not mention my religion. You would see nothing religion related inside my house (besides my bible, which is hidden to avoid stupid arguments). Maybe you have met good Christians, you just don't know yet....