List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

It seems to me that if christianity is really what it claims to be that christian churches will be sending more people to hell than the devil , and that maybe they could all repent for the wicked shit that they impose on our society and stop breaking all their own rules and then saying It's ok I believe in Jesus so God will forgive me . No one else can be that special cause they are all going to hell for not being christians . Besides being a bunch of murderous bastards . If there is anyone who thinks its a good idea to kill little old ladies and babies just cause God told you to , then please by all means start by killing yourself and do the rest of us a favor . WERE sick of your self rightous judgemental bullshit ! Somewhere there may be christians who are not like that but I have never met them .

You have never met a chill Christian who doesn't kill people? Jeez, you need to go out a little more lol. If you met me I would smoke some bowls with you, play some n64, and not mention my religion. You would see nothing religion related inside my house (besides my bible, which is hidden to avoid stupid arguments). Maybe you have met good Christians, you just don't know yet....
Good luck with the publishing everything part I doubt you'd be able to lay eyes on a lot of the material because it's locked up where you can't see it, or not even been found, or destroyed over the ages. But I'm sure you could write your own Bible ala Gideon's or the fella who made up the mormons.
Good luck with the publishing everything part I doubt you'd be able to lay eyes on a lot of the material because it's locked up where you can't see it, or not even been found, or destroyed over the ages. But I'm sure you could write your own Bible ala Gideon's or the fella who made up the mormons.

So the Mormons apparently follow the original bible? Serious question BTW....
More like "asking questions" ... or rather, answering your challenge. cn

I am asking questions, hence me saying "questioning my beliefs". Answering my challenge? What is my challenge? Is it my beliefs? Ahh I'm confused, I feel brain dead now.... Thanks neer, lol.
Oly didn't say you're shoving anythin down anyone's throat lol, calm your little mind.

Dont say I have a little mind because my beliefs dont coincide with yours. Statistically speaking I am over two full standard deviations away from a normal mind, a little mind...a few more. I am an intellectual anomally Texan, I would make you and yours look like a pack of ferrel imbreds in a setting of the actually educated.
Heck you don't need to even know anything about the original Bible to make up your own. You could be the next L Ron Hubbard and come up with your version of Dianetics.
Dont say I have a little mind because my beliefs dont coincide with yours. Statistically speaking I am over two full standard deviations away from a normal mind, a little mind...a few more. I am an intellectual anomally Texan, I would make you and yours look like a pack of ferrel imbreds in a setting of the actually educated.
If you are so smart, why did you think oly said that you guys were stuffing religion down his throat?
How am I horrible example of Christianity?
Where did I say Christianity is great?
Do you not realize that you got in religions metaphorical face? You're actually the nosey person lol.
I'm sure god will have problem with all of us, I ne'er claimed he wouldn't have a problem with me.
And to clarify, I do not want to be a symbol for Christians, I'm not good enough.
How have I turned people away from Christianity?
Everything you have just said is complete bullshit.

Your correct, leftover sentiment from this post where you say I'm the one getting in your face and being nosey.
So the Mormons are just as lost as many mainstream Christian groups?

I would say equally wrong as, but not just as lost. At least they keep to themselves, despite their continuous effort to bulldove politics, they are less impactful than regular christians to our everyday lives
I am asking questions, hence me saying "questioning my beliefs". Answering my challenge? What is my challenge? Is it my beliefs? Ahh I'm confused, I feel brain dead now.... Thanks neer, lol.

In post #41 you asked "show where in the Bible it says" ... about atheists going to hell. Imo the verse i posted speaks directly to that. I'm not trolling you, heph ... I'm participating in the discussion ... I think ... cn
In post #41 you asked "show where in the Bible it says" ... about atheists going to hell. Imo the verse i posted speaks directly to that. I'm not trolling you, heph ... I'm participating in the discussion ... I think ... cn

Oh yeah I know you're not trolling me. That's wu I said I'm gonna question my side of the argument. I might be wrong about atheists and hell, well tomorow I'm gonna go on a quest to figure it out. I might take a walk to the nearest church and talk to the priest about this....
Oh yeah I know you're not trolling me. That's wu I said I'm gonna question my side of the argument. I might be wrong about atheists and hell, well tomorow I'm gonna go on a quest to figure it out. I might take a walk to the nearest churn and talk to the priest about this....

Ask about agnostics too. My left nut says my right nut ends up in hell.
Oh yeah I know you're not trolling me. That's wu I said I'm gonna question my side of the argument. I might be wrong about atheists and hell, well tomorow I'm gonna go on a quest to figure it out. I might take a walk to the nearest churn and talk to the priest about this....

Ask for the Reverend Butter, or Sister Cream ... (couldn't resist) cn
Oh yeah I know you're not trolling me. That's wu I said I'm gonna question my side of the argument. I might be wrong about atheists and hell, well tomorow I'm gonna go on a quest to figure it out. I might take a walk to the nearest church and talk to the priest about this....
haha what about the over 300 different religious figures that have the exact same story as "jesus" but thats right Christianity even thru the bullshit and lies and deceit and prejudiced is still the right religion hahaha what a fucking joke especially born again Christians ur all gonna be the ones going to hell for urr blasphemy hey btw have u herd about the reverse exorcism???? the devil couldn't get the priest outta the little boy rofl!!!
haha what about the over 300 different religious figures that have the exact same story as "jesus" but thats right Christianity even thru the bullshit and lies and deceit and prejudiced is still the right religion hahaha what a fucking joke especially born again Christians ur all gonna be the ones going to hell for urr blasphemy hey btw have u herd about the reverse exorcism???? the devil couldn't get the priest outta the little boy rofl!!!

So you threaten us with hell? Lol you're a funny guy.
Lol, so you believe in hell yet call it bullshit?
Or maybe you just pick and choose. You know like you don't believe so that you can mock others, but you believe in hell so that you can hold it over our heads lol.

It's assholes like you that give atheists a bad name. I know your douchiness doesn't stem from your atheism, but many people will perceive it that way. Well if I go to hell, I'll see ya there lol.
So you threaten us with hell? Lol you're a funny guy.
Lol, so you believe in hell yet call it bullshit?
Or maybe you just pick and choose. You know like you don't believe so that you can mock others, but you believe in hell so that you can hold it over our heads lol.

It's assholes like you that give atheists a bad name. I know your douchiness doesn't stem from your atheism, but many people will perceive it that way. Well if I go to hell, I'll see ya there lol.
ur just like every other christian with verbal diarrhea im not a atheist in fact i was raised catholic lol im a Buddhist and i do believe there is a battle between good and evil but do i think ur christianity is the way to go most deffanatly not in fact i believe its a joke and guess what the joke is on you for following the cult of Christians who cant even have a original idea and its funny u say pick and choose after all isnt it u christians who pick and choose the most if u have money and are a complete moron and fit into our criteria we will accept you into our cult but if ur not like the rrest off us we will banish you to the great depths of hell.... lol what a joke!!!!!!!!!