List of supplies needed please.


Active Member
ok, maybe this is a stupid question, but I know you guys can answer it.

I have only grown 1 plant before, and its still growing. I am a complete newb.

What I was wanting to know, is if you guys could give me a complete, detailed list of everything (Everything from nutrients to lights to dirt to EVERYTHING els, act as if Im a retard) I need to start growing plants. I would like to know a detailed list of what I need to grow small time, and big time (small time being like 1-10 plants, big time being anything bigger than that)

If this question has already been answered, please tell me where to find it.

Thank you all.


Active Member
Also, I would like to know where I can get all of the supplies to. Because I am not familier with any places that sells nurtrients and places like that. So if you could give me a list of supplies, and then a list of where to get the supplies, it would be awesome.

Thanks all.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
perlite multi compost 3 gallon pots 400w HPS light ocilating fan and keep glued to this site and you'll be O.K


Active Member
Sorry for another reply. Again, I must add to the previous post.

I would like to also know the different nurtrients that are made for what (such as producing strong stems, or making them flower good, I know NOTHING about growing)

I would also like to know what type of lights I need for each stage of growth. Also, where can I get small temperature control units? (Im looking for the ones that can keep an area hot OR cold, if they make those on a small scale basis like closet use).

Basically, to sum all three posts up. I would like, a detailed description of EVERYTHING I need, for every stage of growth. And not the stuff that will "just do" I mean I want to know the good stuff (Give me a scale if you can, sort of like the computer companies do, "The budget stuff, the performance stuff, and the ultimate stuff.)

Also, maybe everyone should get together and make a sticky like this. Something that tells newbies everything they need. and make 3 seperate scales (with everything they need in each scale). One being the budget stuff a poorer person could get by with. then a scale for the casual grower (medium grade stuff, but still list everything needed for every stage). and then what the person who is wanting to go big time should get, and again, everything, for every stage.

Thanks all.


from videoman...

those should get you started...

also on youtube, watch read, set, grow
stoned free's guide to growing
growing dutch...

growing pot ain't no easy task
if you don't feel like doing just a little bit of research to see what will meet your needs best, than you probably will give up growing cuz of what it takes...

but read those posts, watch the movies, and read a lot
hopefully you will have a good grow

best of luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Videoman has a nice list of everything you need for a cheap grow. for anything else the FAQ does answer just about everything you need to or want to know just takes some time and reading Gl this is my frst grow also going reral cheap till I move


Active Member
yeah, its my first grow to, and this is what my plant looks like. Should I trim the tops any? and if so, how many inch's?


i wouldn't cut that plant if it were me
but if you feel like keeping it all level for more even colas
you could top the top and make a clone from it, cuz it is a pretty plant
i would think right here would be a good spot to even out the plant...


Active Member
Oh, right now. I was also wanting to know what I should do to make this plant I have (which Im praying, and thinking, that its female) to make it produce alot more buds. Im not going to go buy anymore lights or anything like that, because this is just an experimental grow (being my first one) to sort of see if I have it in me to grow this stuff.

Right now Im using Schultz Expert gardener All puprose 16-12-12 plant food for my plant. I dont actually throw the plant food into the soil, I let some soak in water for about 24 hours then I water my plant with it.

But, because I have started the 12-12 light cycle, then it should start producing buds pretty soon (if, it is female) and Im wanting to know what I can do right now that will help this plant produce more buds.

Thanks all for the posts, ill do more reading and finding guides.

Also, what store would I get most of this stuff from? thats the main question I have, because I dont know where to get any of this stuff from. Also, does anyone have any decent websites to visit to buy stuff from? (though I would prefer to actually go to a store to buy it).

Thanks all.


Active Member
To get bigger buds ur gonna want bigger lights. a HPS will significantly increase ur buds, assume ur baby is a girl.

Also, you're going to want to decrease the nitrogen in ur fertilizer and increase potassium. So instead of ur 16-12-12 look for a 12-24-16 or something like it


Active Member
Ok, I want yalls opinion.

That plant that is on the above picture, is touching the lights now. And I have JUST started the 12 on 12 off light cycle like 2 days ago. It will grow more before it starts to bud Im sure.

So, I want yalls opinion of what I should do. Should I cut where lumberjack says (And just to be clear, should I cut above or below those 2 stems that are right above and to the right of the X? and what angle should I cut it at?) and clone it now? or should I wait untill after it buds and I harvest them before I cut and clone?

Also, how long does it take for the plant to completely bud? (how long should I wait from start of bud to harvest?)

Thanks all.


high pressure sodium, the most efficient of the HIDs
it has a warm yellowish light that is the best (besides sunlight) for flowering


and clone before the flowering starts, cuz otherwise the budding could complicate the cloning process...

cut right below the branch growing out, then trim off the branch and the next couple, leaving only like 3 nodes remaining on the clone... this will help the plant focus on the new growth and getting roots... and rooting compounds can be picked up at any garden center

cut it at a 45 degree angle