List of reasons for low THC?


Active Member
My first plants that cropped out were auto-flower. Small plants but apparently packed quite a punch, they were quite liked by my customers but the other plants all came out with very low THC and required a few joints to even obtain a buzz.

I'd just like to know what a list of the reasons for low THC would be so I can(hopefully) avoid having the same issue with my current plants.
There are probably too many reasons to list but the only time I've ever had major problems with my potency is when I've gotten (at least in my opinion) some shitty genetics. I'm pretty sure that stress to the plant can also cause low levels, also pretty sure cutting down to early/to late (although usually later is better than early) can effect the THC levels.

Maybe some other growers can shed a little more light on some other situations that may cause low levels.
A lot of variables...genetics, medium, issues, problems or shock they had growing and more. Unfortunately aside from genetics if there were a 'cause' it is likely a grower error...bad medium, over or under feeding, fucking with light cycles, type of light and more.

Best way too keep it from happening again is too learn and study. Oh, and research strains and genetics if that info is available on your seed website.
They already covered it pretty well. But I'd like to add that maybe if it is just the genetics that those strains might be higher in CBD and could be good medical strains. Do you know what strains you grew?

If it is in fact higher in CBD I would save it for back pain. It's good to have a medical strain around for when you're hurting but need a clear head.
Letting your plants go beyond there date can reduce THC content considerable, Pictures would be helpful. Good Luck
Mostly white widow strain which I've always heard is good but maybe not these specific seeds, idk. There was likely some stress and such. One thing I noticed from these plants compared to the last is that I grew the last ones much much smaller, my biggest plant stem was only between quarter to half an inch thick, the stem on these are at least an inch and they're not done yet. So I was kinda thinking that taking a plant that has potential to be so big but only growing it small may have reduced it's potency, not sure if that's a thing. I am using a 200w mars hydro leds, they are supposed to be equivalent to 400w but I'm unsure, if that isn't accurate then maybe that would explain low potency although those first plants turned out fine under the same light. The first plants grew to their full size though considering they were autoflower and did their own thing so that's what makes me think that growing the first white widows to be smaller in size may have reduced their potency, that's just a theory though.

As I said my plants have dealt with some issues but for the most part solving issues is like shooting into the dark I've found since unless it has unique signs like Molybdenum deficiencies, it can be anything from over/under watering to not enough/too much of any of 100 things and if you add/reduce the wrong thing then you've got another issue entirely. I've got no issue with growing/cropping a plant but when it comes to their issues, if the PPM/PH is fine and the issues are still there then I'm entirely clueless.
I'm gonna guess that it's just the phenotype you got with that seed. My AK48 last harvest was pretty stressed and while my yields on that plant were terrible it was still quite potent. I don't think growing the plant smaller or larger will affect the potency, just the yield.
I'm gonna guess that it's just the phenotype you got with that seed. My AK48 last harvest was pretty stressed and while my yields on that plant were terrible it was still quite potent. I don't think growing the plant smaller or larger will affect the potency, just the yield.

Ya, I kinda thought about it after I typed that and it makes sense otherwise people wouldn't do sea of green. Phenotype?
Ya, I kinda thought about it after I typed that and it makes sense otherwise people wouldn't do sea of green. Phenotype?

A bunch of genes make up your (or your plants) genotype. Your genotype is expressed in your phenotype, or your traits. So basically he's saying the plant had shitty genetics.