list of EVERYTHING i need to grow in 3x3space


price isn't an issue i just want a list of not the cheapest but the most expensive things i would need to have as much of a smell proof area, good lighting, i said price isn't an issue.


i guess i didn't clarify. i need instructions of how to prepare the area as well. it is a closet space 3x3. i never performed an indoor grow


Well-Known Member
read some stuff and provide pictures and with your knowledge and ours, im sure we can figure something out.


Well-Known Member
Forum has tons and tons of info on this for you to basically find everything you need on your own. Then you also gain the knowledge of what you're doing.

Are you growing in soil, hydro? How many plants, the wattage you want to use ect ect. You can't expect us to do everything for you.


i plan on growing in soil, 2-3 plants, and wattage I'm not so sure about, i was hoping you guys would know. as far as a picture goes its just a standard closet in the corner of a room. like i said I'm new at this so any help you can give would be appreciated. i was thinking go getting a small indoor green house thing, but idk..


Well-Known Member
i plan on growing in soil, 2-3 plants, and wattage I'm not so sure about, i was hoping you guys would know. as far as a picture goes its just a standard closet in the corner of a room. like i said I'm new at this so any help you can give would be appreciated. i was thinking go getting a small indoor green house thing, but idk..
well a picture would help. or even draw a plan out of how it looks so we can give you info for a decent setup... what size is it etc??


yea for some reason it won't let me upload the picture. but its a triangle shaped closet. that has about 2x3 floor space actually.about 2 feet from the ground is a shelf and about at 6ft and then again at 7 ft are to shelfs built into the wall.


basically i want to know what to go out and buy and an idea of how to set it up for an area such as mine. price is not a problem.


Well-Known Member
If you're new to growing why start off with 2-3 plants? Do you have seeds already? Are they reg or fem or what? Honestly, I think you should hold off on the grow for a while and read around the forums a bit. I'm not trying to tell you to not grow. I'm telling you to know what you're doing so your first grow will be a success.


Panda Paper, Mylar something that you can easily wipe down with a reflective surface.

You want to shoot for 100w per plant. That goes for LED, CFL, or HID.
HID is the most powerful, you get the best penetration but it emits a ton of heat.
CFL is the cheapest route. They give off some heat as well.
LED is the most expensive route, and you won't usually have heat issues. The penetration isn't as good though.

Soil is more forgiving than hydro. I've had really good success with Fox Farm Ocean Forest adding in 30% perlite(2 handfuls of FFOF to 1 of perlite)

I'd have to say 3 plants is a good number to start with, maybe 2. You just don't want to waste a ton of nutrients, power, and time on a ton of plants that you're probably going to have issues with. I hate being pessimistic and I hope I'm wrong but first grows usually run into something.


yea i wanted my grow to be a bit stealthy. I'm thinking of ordering the pc grow box, comes with everything and an have 2-3 plants. i feel like it will be the easiest/best way for me


Well-Known Member
basically i want to know what to go out and buy and an idea of how to set it up for an area such as mine. price is not a problem.

It's questions like these that make me wish i owned a growshop!! lol!

But seriously mate, i aint taking the piss but it isn't hard to do abit of research urself online & then come back to sensibly ask opinions on which is best outta 2 or 3 lights u found, which is best outta 2 or 3 fans/filters u found, is this 1 brand of soil better than this one, etc, etc.

ANd if price aint an issue, then weed growing aint much different to any other industry - go onto ebay, type in lights (etc, etc) & click the price column to put it into descending order of price. The highest priced shit will generally be better than the lowest price shit.

BUt to put it into perspective Mr Shim is spot on - u do need abit of knowledge before u both set-up ur grow room & before u start growing - get reading as it'll only help u in the long run - whats the point of wasting ur hard earned cash on a potentially disasterious grow that just wastes ur time as well. The most expensive grow equipment dont mean shit if u dunno what ur doing with it.


aha just because i don't know how to set up the best way to make a grow spot as smell proof as possible, the best lighting to use, ect...doesnt mean i don't know how to grow. i just wanted some advice, besides i think learning by trial and error is the best way to learn at least for me. but like is aid I'm gonna go with the pc grow box..its 400 and includes everything i need


Well-Known Member
Lol! ur right dude - i don't mean to sound so harsh to u but i just don't like seeing people waste time & money and then maybe give up if it all goes wrong - nothing beats the 1st joint u roll of ur own personal grow & would be a shame for u not to get to enjoy that.

Is good that u say u know about growing as knowing how to grow a basic plant is a far better starting point then trying to immediately learn how to produce fat pounds of bud straight away. And i agree, trial & error is definitely the best way to learn about growing weed - i found myself that it was only after a few grows that i knew what not to do & what the plants preferred maybe having me do, etc, etc and i certainly am nowhere near being expert at all. (i'd happily admit that still, even after being condescending to u - but only cause i'm relatively happy with what results i do now manage to produce)

And i agree ur PC stealth box sounds a good idea if it comes fairly well pre-kitted out (which to be fair, for $400 it likely will do) - i'd say see how u get on with that & then look to expand ur operation over the next few grows. (thats if ur listen to anything that comes outta my keyboard anymore anyway! hehe!)


Well-Known Member
How big is a pc grow box. Just the name makes it sound undersized for 2-3 plants. If u shop around the net and check cl Im almost possitive you could get a small tent (ie. 32x32 or 24x24), a.150 or 250w hps, and a fan/filter combo for 400 and see alot better results.


Well-Known Member
How big is a pc grow box. Just the name makes it sound undersized for 2-3 plants. If u shop around the net and check cl Im almost possitive you could get a small tent (ie. 32x32 or 24x24), a.150 or 250w hps, and a fan/filter combo for 400 and see alot better results.

yea, what this guy said ^^ i just purchased a inline fan and carbon filter combo kit, 400w light with reflector and Metal halide and high pressure sodium lights and a grow tent plus miscellaneous accessories for under $500 and will be doing around 6-7 plants. don't waste ur money on the $400 pc kit unless stealth is an absolute necessity. even so, you could probably get a better setup for less or around the same price you're willing to spend that is almost as stealthy. seriously, when i was a noob on this forum i asked the SAME thing in my first post and got flamed just as hard. use the search and come back with more specific questions. I'm fairly experienced and still find myself on here for hours reading on new topics and opinions. the knowledge is endless, literally. good luck

EDIT- a pc grow box is about the size of a pc's tower with the hardware in it. hence the name


Well-Known Member
IMO, having growing in a PC box, And then t5's, i would not use a PC box every again except for clones. flowing in it is a waste of time, its fun for a little experiment but if our are trying to get something to smoke for at least a little while, its pointless, I pulled 8 grams from mine. thats like a gram a week for flowing.

I would highly recommend you do more research first of all.
Growing outside and inside are alot different. Heat is most likely gonna be a problem inside.

You need research tho, No one is gonna take hours out of their day to help one person who isn't willing to take the time to help themjself. I did months if not years of research on the net before i even attempted a grow, Since then i've had very few questions about most things, Im no expert and don't claim to be but i do know my shit about my setup and strains, and if i switched up setup or strains i'd have a new learning curve and no doubt have alot of issues at first. Its trial and error and hard work that make a grow, Not starting from square one with 100's of different opinions on lights, vent, nutes, soil/ hydro, List goes on.

Look at other peoples grow, find one with the same dimensions as your. Read them, You'll learn alot, Find one setup you really like and try to make it. Not hard just requires effort, which most people lack for some reason. Go figure.

Imagine trying to grow inside before the net and not knowing or having a thing except maybe a book. That'd be shit, I love the net! :weed: