Liquid LSD

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
well break it down
1 hit costs X
there is Q in each does
and there is P in each vile

=(P/Q)*X....give or take because your buying in bulk...again not specific but will get you in a ball park.

EDIT: just realized you never specified the size of the vile and are looking for that info bad


bud bootlegger
i've seen 100 hit 100mcg vials going for $600, i was thinking of picking up a vial, but cash is kinda low atm, and it's killing me as it's supposed to be needlepoint and all, but i don't have that kinda cash atm..


Well-Known Member
theres those 2 words together again. needlepoint and vial. it always sounds just so beautiful. i have dreams like kumar does when he fucks that big bag of buds but for me its a vial. hahahaha.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah id much rather have a sheet then a vial... Just for the fact that a sheet is easy to store, a vial pretty much just goes in the refrigerator which im not to comfortable with..