Liquid Cooled Lighting Liquid Lumens


Well-Known Member
You guys should check these out. Much cheaper, safer, and simpler than the LL product.

You can use these to water-cool your light and add a/c to your growroom. They come in 6" right now but the 8" will be out soon.

These guys make the water-cooled co2 generator also.

Good luck with your liquid lumens, but don't run them out of water or you will have a mess on your hands. If you run them out of water they will melt, and if any cold water is reintroduced to them while they are hot you will have a pile of hot glass and hot water all over your plants. I'm speaking from experience, trust me.
Great find there,im looking into these as we speak & depending on cost effectiveness they will be a new adition to mt grow op.

I dont want to steal your thunder with this product as your more aware of it than i am but if you dont post a thread about these i a few days i will,this product sure looks like it will fix alot of problems that we all have cheaply & safely & should be brought to the attention of the membership.