Link to TPS press conference re: Potshop robberies


Well-Known Member
Good idea id never though about it!............Jesus Christ man. Your posts are not open to interpretation, you made it very clear in what you said. No sense trying to back pedal now
No one is trying to back pedal, explain what I said that is so wrong? tell me how I am a racist? Prove me wrong, show me the piles of news articles showing young white men shooting up Toronto? Like I said go back and read. I am not making false clams that you can just repute, I posted my proof, post yours and I will shut up.
How is feeling sad for young black males that are misguided in life being a racist? How is pointing out that the majority of violent gun related crimes involve young black men in Toronto? You calling me a racist for pointing that out would be equivalent to someone saying you are a sexist because you say there are more women prostitutes then men. Truth is truth and sometimes it hurts. All my educated black men friends agree with me.
So I am a raciest for saying the RCMP should spend 2 million on focusing on gangs and guns in Toronto instead of Cannabis? and I am a racist for saying that the majority of the gun toting criminals in Toronto are young black men?
So I am sure all your white buddies are packing heat then eh?
And yes look it up Drake is Gang Affiliated, look up his artist/security P regin. Drake funded his criminal lawyer so he can get off some gun charges, drake hired the guy in the first place because some other gangbangers robbed him for a 50,000$ gold and diamond chain. P regin is in the gang that is part of that Danzig shooting that left 23 people injured and 2 dead, not to mention 2 people dead at one of his local shows, he clams that he will never snitch to the cops. So tell me, what did I say that is racist? You need to pull your head out of the sand my friend.

And sorry to burst your bubble but the Toronto Guns and Gang task force is a fucking joke. They stopped pulling thugs over for political reasons due to the Kathleen gov stopping carding. So the cops decided they will just let the thugs go nuts to prove some kind of point.

I am not backpedaling shit my friend.