Lingering question about Mother Plants


I'm new at growing marijuana. And i bought really expensive seeds. I have 1 female which i want to use as my mother plant, but i have a question:

how long can a mother plant live?

For example; i let it grow, find out its a fem, make a couple clones and want to keep the mother for more clones. But the mother starts to flower. And the 8-9 weeks go by and its ready to harvest. Can i let it just go on living without harvesting? Or harvest a few buds over time. Will it keep budding? OR does it go back to vegg state?
Does it die after the buds ripe?

Please help mee! Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
as long as you keep the lighting constantly 18 hours on, 6 off, it will never flower, see?


Well-Known Member
the mother will stay in veg as long as you keep the light cycle at 24/0 or 18/6. if you change to 12/12 lighting then the plant will flower. or you can let the plant flower and then cut off the top half of the flowered plant and then go back to 24/0 lighting. it will take awhile to recover.


Well-Known Member
Mother Plants
(I've never kept one, so all my reading is book learnin)

If you put your mother in 12/12 to sex her, as soon as you determine sex put her back into 18/6 light cycle you don't want to allow her to flower.

Flowering is the end of the plants life cycle. Like when a bee stings, it will die, when a pot plant flowers, it will die. (There are probably chances where someone has been able to reveg a flowered plant, but it would have to be put in the 18/6 or 24/0 light cycle and babied)

You want your mother to be a plant that grows constantly in veg so you can clip 4-8 clones from it per clipping once per month more or less. Then you get your smoking bud from the clones you raise.

Good Luck! :weed:


Well-Known Member
you can always make a new mother from one of the clones if mom goes weird, gets too big or tries to flower not many will flower under 20/4 or even 18/6 but it does sometimes happen then I bud the mother and as I said use a clone for a new mom good luck


Thanks for the awesome feedback everyone! I was thinking about using a clone as a new mother plant but i have read that after a few generations of clones, the plant's genes aren't as potent as it was orignally. Oh well, i will cross that bridge when i get to it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the awesome feedback everyone! I was thinking about using a clone as a new mother plant but i have read that after a few generations of clones, the plant's genes aren't as potent as it was orignally. Oh well, i will cross that bridge when i get to it.

That statement has fueled debate on both sides with no definative answer in sight.

I have decided to clone my clones as i move toward perpetual harvest.

Also, your better off learning how to grow using bagseed.