limp plant


Well-Known Member
it bad dude :(

worst part is i dont know where ya could have wen wrong... hopefully bricktop could come up with something tho...

snd im not being a smart ass here im hoping for your case he does :)


Well-Known Member
so what its how i talk asshole.

bottom line think what you wanna think dude like i said i dont got shit to prove to you.

ya should really read a thread before being an ass tho cos all it does is piss people off ie: like maself.. all ive seen you do is make stupid suggestions and ask questions.. so an insult from you is twice as bad

besides i just slinked your own names back at ya you used them first.. so i assume they come from your own insecurities lol.

make some good contributions to rollitup and then i may listen too an asswipe such as yourself... ive seen plenty of people that hate you.. i even told one of em to leave you alone but he was right you are an asswipe..

im certainly n kid lke yourself but slinking an age on the scree dont mean shit..

bottom line i proved you wrong, deal with it and move on dude.. i had forgot about this till you replied

OMG, that's is so funny, I must thank you son, I've had a long day and needed a good laugh.
Shit, I cant stop laughing, you have certainly cheered me up.:hump:


Well-Known Member
im glad i gave ya a laugh. i bet people laugh at you every day.

im over this shit if your gonna be that childish and carry something on from last night you can go fuck yourself. are you that pissed off that i proved you wrong that ya gonna make my life hell from now on... just cos you love bricktoip dont mean we all have too.. though i must say at least he makes some good contributions

think what you want im over it.... just dont follow me any more..


Well-Known Member
im glad i gave ya a laugh. i bet people laugh at you every day.

im over this shit if your gonna be that childish and carry something on from last night you can go fuck yourself. are you that pissed off that i proved you wrong that ya gonna make my life hell from now on... just cos you love bricktoip dont mean we all have too.. though i must say at least he makes some good contributions

think what you want im over it.... just dont follow me any more..
You have only proved me right dude, I set you up as part of a new psychology test we have been evaluating in order to filter my new staff resumes before I decide who to interview, and so far I think it's worth the money I paid.
Thanks for your help fester.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

doesnt worry me none
im on here here to try and help people if i can....not cop shit from people who didnt read my posts.. simple as that. of i was in the wrong i woulda fucking admitted it...

im just glad we can stop this ridiculous game tho.
peace out

we are dropping it now arent we????


Well-Known Member

doesnt worry me none
im on here here to try and help people if i can....not cop shit from people who didnt read my posts.. simple as that. of i was in the wrong i woulda fucking admitted it...

im just glad we can stop this ridiculous game tho.
peace out

we are dropping it now arent we????
Yes mate, I don't need you anymore, but I do wish you well, maybe don't smoke so much pot, too much is not good for the brain to work properly, a little is fine though.
Trust me on this, after 37 years of smoking pot, I now only ever have have 2 or 3 small cones after dinner, and that is medicinal for insomnia, I have to have a clear head for my business. I have nothing against pot heads, but mood swings are bad for business.:peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah they are bad for business and i never once claimed not to be a pot head..

but so are people who go out of there way to piss people off..
like i said no skin off my nose i try help people cos i want too... and when you do stuff for free ya dont got appearances and what not to keep up.

sorry im not good enough but i ran outa weed and pain killers so i was a bit edgy and all. no excuse i know but it. plus i remember telling someone to leave you alone and all that cos i thought you were decent.. and ya just bag me... what a kick in the nuts that was.. i reckon im generally a good bloke on this forum sorry you dont see it that way.. but you are good at what you do nobodys got me as pissed off as you yet lol

so are we cool now or what i failed problem solvered.


Well-Known Member
That is of course rather flattering but I am sorry to have to disappoint him. I am strictly a lover of an innie and not an outie ……. and I am not talking about navels.
thats true..

it wasnt supposed to sound nasty tho,... its off a movie (water boy) :-P

Brick Top

New Member
well im using an areograden set up and until that one day off it was lookin great i can try taking a cellphone pic and posting it ... to me its lookin bad but maybe it's a nubee thing

I have never used an Aerogarden but did I understand what you said above correctly, that your Aerogarden was off and NOT just your light?

If that is the case doesn’t that mean your roots were hanging dry for a full day? If so you might be not only waist deep in the big muddy but also upside down. Again I have never used an Aerogarden but just talking about plants and trees and bushes in general once roots dry out you are in more trouble than Custer at The Little Big Horn after he listened to one of his scouts who said, don’t worry Col., they look like friendly Indians to me. We own a nursery that covers around 12 or 14 acres and while I am only an investor in the business and do not work there I have heard many stories about dry roots and what follows. So all I can say is I really HOPE that I misunderstood what you wrote above and that your roots were not allowed to dry out because if that is the case I have a feeling your plant has passed the point of no return.

If it was only your light that was off I could not begin to guess what happened since I have no experience with your system of growing.

Brick Top

New Member
just cos you love bricktoip dont mean we all have too.. though i must say at least he makes some good contributions
You don’t have to love me dude. Its not like I want to take long windy walks on the beach with you or jump into a hot soapy bathtub with you and play spot the submarine.

I don’t ask for or expect love, only civility. If that does not come and I am pushed far enough I will drop a bomb on the person bigger than the ones dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki. I can be the nicest guy in the world or I can be someone’s worst nightmare. It is strictly up to them.

Brick Top

New Member
Trust me on this, after 37 years of smoking pot, I now only ever have have 2 or 3 small cones after dinner, and that is medicinal for insomnia, I have to have a clear head for my business.

I have 40 or 41 years of pot smoking under my belt but I will say that for a number of years I only smoked moderately. Like you while I was in business I had to have my wits about me but once I retired I reverted to my old frat house party commando days, and nights, and I have to admit that I have enjoyed it very much.


Well-Known Member
I have never used an Aerogarden but did I understand what you said above correctly, that your Aerogarden was off and NOT just your light?

If that is the case doesn’t that mean your roots were hanging dry for a full day? If so you might be not only waist deep in the big muddy but also upside down. Again I have never used an Aerogarden but just talking about plants and trees and bushes in general once roots dry out you are in more trouble than Custer at The Little Big Horn after he listed to one of his scouts who said, don’t worry Col., they look like friendly Indians to me. We own a nursery that covers around 12 or 14 acres and while I am only an investor in the business and do not work there I have heard many stories about dry roots and what follows. So all I can say is I really HOPE that I misunderstood what you wrote above and that your roots were not allowed to dry out because if that is the case I have a feeling your plant has passed the point of no return.

If it was only your light that was off I could not begin to guess what happened since I have no experience with your system of growing.
and i officially withdraw any bad comments ive made about you...

even tho you prolly gots no time for me i think i got some time for you now. ive seen a few good posts lately and i really do believe your worthy of respect..

im sorry.. but ya gotta see shit from my point of view.. spiked one was causingshit you were on a few threads was on.. each time underminding what i said.. (without even reading what i said).. i felt ganged up on what do you expect (i still gave you credit where it was due tho didnt i)

i really do try be a good riu member and i was like what the fuck is with these two guys... yeah i was pissed off i try help people who need it.. i do it most of the time on riu.. i was tired it had been a long day.. and spiked one already admitted use were out to piss me off wht was i to do..

yes i shoulda just weent to bed when i first started getting tired. but people just kept replying and trying to piss me off. and continued it today.

again im sorry

peace out

p.s to spiked one

so are you really an asshole lol?? or were you really just pushing my buttons.. aif so why the fuck would you do it????

so again i appologise


Well-Known Member
i smoke when i have to ie: feeling really sore or need to relax

and bedtime
really helps me get to sleep moreso than the sleeping pills. but to be honest id be stuffed without them... i know i prolly smoke to much but it really does help. if i didnt the pain killers would rot my guts away as to id have to have heaps of them :(

Brick Top

New Member
and i officially withdraw any bad comments ive made about you...

even tho you prolly gots no time for me i think i got some time for you now. ive seen a few good posts lately and i really do believe your worthy of respect..

so again i appologise

Everything is cool and the gang, there was no need to apologize, though it was very nice of you to do so since most people never would.

I am really pretty easy going and it takes a good bit more than what you wrote to ruffle my feathers but if someone pushes enough I will then begin to push back.

But I have done this for years so I ain't no cherry and this ain’t my first rodeo and I have seen it all and for the most part over time it tends to just roll off like water off a ducks back.


Active Member
hey bricktop so yes the entire system was off and it's still progressively getting worse ... i appreciate the help, but i dont get why it would be dying from one day off it still had its water and all nutes. I feel like this one is a goner tho at this point, and i guess ill just clean it up and start round two (which is purple kush so im a bit more excited anyway) thanks for the help everyone


Well-Known Member
i smoke when i have to ie: feeling really sore or need to relax

and bedtime
really helps me get to sleep moreso than the sleeping pills. but to be honest id be stuffed without them... i know i prolly smoke to much but it really does help. if i didnt the pain killers would rot my guts away as to id have to have heaps of them :(
I sympathise with you Jester,
I too have been on the painkiller sleeping tablet merry go round, and it sucks big time.
The sleeping tablets do fuck all after a while, as do the pain killers.
Pot is my best companion for sleeping.
I put up with the pain as much as I can, but lots of walking helps.
Motor cycle accident started it all for me, so I smoke pot for medicinal reasons, occasionally socially, but if I smoke too much it stops working, and so does my brain.
I do not hold grudges, and have no bad feelings toward you.
Keep your chin up buddy.