limp plant


Active Member
Hi so I'm a new home grower and recently my garden was nearly discovered and I turned the lights off for one day ... I'm in the flowering stage and my problem is that tonight when I checked it seems like all of the limbs are limp and I'm wondering is there anything I can do to get them back to normal?
Thanks for any constructive help


Well-Known Member
just relax theyll prolly pick up soon and start reacting to the light again. did you keep them on the same schedule or did it get flipped around????

Brick Top

New Member
Dissolve some Viarga in the water you use to water your plants with next time … that will put some lead back in its pencil and make it stand up. (Old guy humor there.)

Ok … all jokes aside … have you changed anything you have done? Have you watered more than in the past or less than in the past? Are there any other symptoms like discoloration or any odor other than the normal odor? Have your temperatures changed more than a normal amount in the grow area? Are the plants wilted from top to bottom or just the top or just the bottom or what? Do the leaves look shiny and green or dull and lifeless?


Active Member
its mostly the bottom leaves but all are more limp than before, and no I havent changed their schedule at all, and thanks for the viagra tip I think I'll try that if I can find some. Thanks for the replies I feel like I may have gotten a bit over worried but I just found out it's a girl a few days ago so I'm excited. oh yeah and there was no major discoloration


Well-Known Member
viagra wont do shit lol

umm id just wait i think the plant just has to sort some of its own shit out


Well-Known Member
Just make sure the light is 3-5'' away from the top part of the plant, make sure you water it a bit every 6 hours for 48 hours.

Brick Top

New Member
its mostly the bottom leaves but all are more limp than before, and no I havent changed their schedule at all, and thanks for the viagra tip I think I'll try that if I can find some. Thanks for the replies I feel like I may have gotten a bit over worried but I just found out it's a girl a few days ago so I'm excited. oh yeah and there was no major discoloration

I really HOPE you know that the Viagra crack was just an old man’s JOKE about things being limp and nothing more. I would hate to accidentally mislead someone and have them waste something very useful for other purposes on their plants.

It is likely it is only the result of lack of light for a day. I had intended to add that to my last message and forgot to but there can be times when something happens that seems the obvious answer and it is only coincidental and there can be another problem that just happened to show up at that time.

If you haven’t changed anything else and there is no unusual or different coloration or odor or things like leaf curl the chances of something else being the cause is minimal so I would say just be cool and the gang for a couple days and see if the girl responds to the light and see if her branches and leaves stand up firm and proud like a teenage girls tits again.

If not get back to us.


Active Member
hey thanks again to everyone I think I got it from here, and Mr. Ganja I was about 90% sure that was a joke but there was still that 10% that was thinking hey what the hell I've heard weird home remedies before.


Well-Known Member
lmfao sorry dude couldnt help it..

yes tere are some wierd shit we can give plants but can you seriously think of any reason a plant would need viagra dude lol​


Well-Known Member
wtf i was talking to the thread starter spiked 1...

and if ya read you see i had a laugh too.. how about reading thread before putting your two bob in. i kinda got the impression he thought brick top was serious.

but listen im not gonna drop down to your level. just sit dow, shut up and learn.
you seem to have a few problems lol. guess experience comes with time doesnt it dumbass.

but true bricktop

i wasnt being smart to you like i said i kinda got the impression that he thought you were serious.. i may have been an ass about it but i didnt mean to be i was outa ganja.... but i was trying to stretch the fact that it was full of it..

its mostly the bottom leaves but all are more limp than before, and no I havent changed their schedule at all, and thanks for the viagra tip I think I'll try that if I can find some. Thanks for the replies I feel like I may have gotten a bit over worried but I just found out it's a girl a few days ago so I'm excited. oh yeah and there was no major discoloration
hey thanks again to everyone I think I got it from here, and Mr. Ganja I was about 90% sure that was a joke but there was still that 10% that was thinking hey what the hell I've heard weird home remedies before.
so there spiked1 your prolly some 16 year old.. lied to get on this forum.. that dont know shit..

wow i id give in to your childish games lol... oh well ya get that son...

p.s hey bricktop i think he wants to make out with you lol

sorry ppl but i hate it when ppl dont read a thread then get smart assy


Well-Known Member
Only a child would get so upset so easily and be so immature and insecure to have to resort to name calling.
You need to grow up jester, you are a petulent fool.
I'm not going to stoop to your level and use gutter language.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
so what its how i talk asshole.

bottom line think what you wanna think dude like i said i dont got shit to prove to you.

ya should really read a thread before being an ass tho cos all it does is piss people off ie: like maself.. all ive seen you do is make stupid suggestions and ask questions.. so an insult from you is twice as bad

besides i just slinked your own names back at ya you used them first.. so i assume they come from your own insecurities lol.

make some good contributions to rollitup and then i may listen too an asswipe such as yourself... ive seen plenty of people that hate you.. i even told one of em to leave you alone but he was right you are an asswipe..

im certainly n kid lke yourself but slinking an age on the scree dont mean shit..

bottom line i proved you wrong, deal with it and move on dude.. i had forgot about this till you replied



Active Member
hey everyone so I checked my plant again today only to find that it looks even worse just to be clear was I supposed to leave the light on all day or just leave it on its schedule?


Well-Known Member
well my advise dont count for shit apparently so ask the two pros up there.

but if you left it on the same schedule i cant see it doing this from a bit of excess dark.. are you sure your not overwatering/ overnuting or even under doing something like that. i dunno but im thinking theres gotta be something else.



Active Member
well im using an areograden set up and until that one day off it was lookin great i can try taking a cellphone pic and posting it ... to me its lookin bad but maybe it's a nubee thing


Well-Known Member
ive never used an aero garden sorry,

maybe go to some aerogarden threads have a look ad see if that helps if not maybe ask them if they have had similar problems i dunno.


Active Member
ok well just to show i made my profile pic the plant just to see if it's bad or not and i'll try the areograden boards too. Thanks