LIME-Do you know Y


Hi All,
Every time i use lime in my soil my girls develop Mag def! I use 1Tablespoon per gallon, and using distilled water right now. The lime is Dolomite lime from Lowes in white bag. Lets say that my ph is off, the lime should still buffer it correct. Can not figure out why this is happening and everyone else says that they never have any more problems from their soil after adding lime to their soil? Can someone help me with this problem and how to correct it .
All replies appreciated-VERY FRUSTRATED


Well-Known Member
I use the same stuff from Lowes. Both the powdered and the pellets. Same Company, same stuff, but one goes in the mix and one goes on the garden. The pellets for the garden, if you've ever tried to spread powdered lime in a breeze. LOL

Anyway, a few things I've noticed over the years:

First, for the pH thing. You have to make sure you use ENOUGH to pH your soil/mix. It's hard to over apply, but you can certainly UNDER apply it. *I* use 2tbl/gallon of mix, or 1cup/cf of mix. Your 1tbl just might not be enough.

Second, the Mg seems to break down/release slower than the Ca and I've had to add some epsom salts early on when the mix is fresh, or the lime just added. Never needed to repeat the epsom salts after the first time.

Third, distilled water isn't the best choice for soil, by a long shot. I use tap water. But, if yours is too bad to use, Spring water would be a much better option. IMO, distilled and RO water just don't get it for soil grows. They are basically 'dead' and ok for hydro, but not soil. If your tap water is under 200PPM, I would be using that.




Thanx Wet
Wet, I was looking at my RIU and forgot to ask you how much epsom salt u add to your soil and how do you apply it -in water or top dress it?