lil Help here.


Active Member
Anyone have any idea? The box is pretty small with 400wHPS about 20 inches from plants. I water about once every 2-3 days. I let my tap water sit atleast 3 days to dissolve any chlorine. No nutes because they were transplanted into fox farms ocean forest 1 week ago. The temp stays around 80F and the Hum. about 45%. This is the only plant and better, the only leaf that has any problems and I wanna keep it that way :D Advice would be great.
And if it matters... they're SnowCap from a Central Cali Club. and I would guess about 4weeks Veging.


Well-Known Member
Um I think that just happens I wouldnt worry bout tHAT much unless it starts spreading.


Well-Known Member
I just replied to your other thread but I think that plant is fine I get leaves like that every once and a while. Oh yeah I was going to say watch the heat a little, ideal is 75 degrees even lower I stay at about 72


Well-Known Member
I just replied to your other thread but I think that plant is fine I get leaves like that every once and a while. Oh yeah I was going to say watch the heat a little, ideal is 75 degrees even lower I stay at about 72
Optimal daytime temperature is 75 degrees F, anything over that and the plant can suffer. Humidity should be around 25-30% but a little higher is fine mate.

That bit of leaf looks like the smallest sign of transplant shock, just a piece that was startled in the transition, nothing to worry about. Keep up the good work

KC :leaf:


Active Member
I lowered the temp from 80 to 75 and now all my leaves are really droopy. I read that Snowcap (Sativa) can handle a bit higher heat so I didnt really think it was a problem to have it a bit warm. Should I keep them temp at 75 and let the plants adjust to the new temp?