Lightt problem!


So im growing inside my parents house, although they do not care i smoke but i still dont want them knowing im growing. But lets get to the point.

Ive ran 24 hours lighting 4 23w CFLS on 1 plant and got it about 8 days of life Sprouted, its first set of leaves was about 1-2 in's long and was just starting its 2nd set. (STONED Btwbongsmilie) but ehres the problem i turned off the lights for close to 24 hours but it may be less. They are now on and running. Would this stunt growth? :wall:

All replys are greatly appreciated :D


Active Member
Will it stunt it?? may be a little but its not a huge deal. I would try not to do it anymore but whats done is done. I wouldn't worry about it.

Illegal Smile

im not on this forum looking for a preacher...
When you come here you might not get the answer you want. The fact that you are growing in your parent's house without their knowledge means you are fundamentally dishonest and announcing that anyone who trusts you does so at their own risk.

True Stoner

Active Member
So im growing inside my parents house, although they do not care i smoke but i still dont want them knowing im growing. But lets get to the point.

Ive ran 24 hours lighting 4 23w CFLS on 1 plant and got it about 8 days of life Sprouted, its first set of leaves was about 1-2 in's long and was just starting its 2nd set. (STONED Btwbongsmilie) but ehres the problem i turned off the lights for close to 24 hours but it may be less. They are now on and running. Would this stunt growth? :wall:

All replys are greatly appreciated :D
I would invest ina $10 tmer but also with CFL's u can run them for 24 hrs!!
Hey there pal! If you think about it, some places cannot have sun 24/7. there are days where the clouds have a huge over cast and plants cannot get any light for days. I wouldn't worry too much about it. They won't grow for that dark period, but it doesn't mean they will die. Just get back into the cycle and all will be fine.
Be safe!


Well-Known Member
Never mess with the lights when it comes to seedlings or clones.If the lights or heat is messed around with when the plants are young this could result in a hermi plant.I don't see a problem with growing in your parents house has long has anything goes pear shaped you take the can for it.What they don't know won't hurt them dude.