Lightsssssss Plzzzzzzzz Plzzzzzzzzz Help


Well-Known Member
ok i have another question im using 3 13 w floros and 1 23w floro is that enough heat and light 2 grow 5 plants? im running at 3400 lumens


Well-Known Member
I dont think so but you better move the lights closer. The stalks are really small and look like they stretched. Lights should be 1-2 inches from the plant. Can you take a close up picture of the stem?


Well-Known Member
haven't you asked this question before in another thread no more than 30 minutes ago?



Well-Known Member
all i want is 4 u guys or girls 2 answer my qeustion not telling me what im doing wrong on the site im a noob maybe i didnt no that so can u answer my qeustion or not

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
yo MACK.. never cut off fan leaves.... unless they are completely dead...

today I dead lifted 200 lb 25 times (in a row) and then I did 135lb squat 25 times in a row..... and then I walked my dog for an hour focusing on taking the deepest breaths possible....

why do I tell you this... well,, cause I suspect you are YOUNG and vigorous and a healthy young lad... and you should be outside tearing shit up and looking at poon, and playing in the rain... and flinging dog shit at cars on the freeway.....

YOU will only be YOUNG ONCE... go play... and push the limits of your being.... go out and take the world by its balls!



Well-Known Member
Do everything mentioned above and invest into 42 watt CFL's. I read that you can't have too much light but you can have too little and I think you have too little light to get the much desired results of high yield.


Well-Known Member
ok question will they still bud i plan on investing on a few new things and better seeds then this time its my 1st grow i have 5 plants...if i keep using these lights will they flower or what will happen