yea you might not be able to afford it soon if you buy a magnetic (that is after you see your electric bill lol) running a crappy magnetic ballast is at least 3x more electricity then digital , sometimes 10 times as much and you will have it hogging up a whole circuit I said not worth it.seriously I wish I could buy digi... But $ is low since it's my first med grow.. Soon enough I'll be able to afford it but for now I need some good lights. Craigslist sucks!
Thats crazy..What do you pay for kwh?We can get to the bottom of this and find out how much the 400 watt is costing you.I doubt it is 3x as much 1200 watts that would be.seriously wow... 3x as much for magnetic... Fuck that! I'm running a 400 watter magnetic and I just got my first electric bill... 150 bucks more...