

Well-Known Member
Have t5 8 for veg x 2. Growing like weeds. Want to use the 3000ks for the bloom and also an HPS. I don't know if I should go with 1000watts or two 6000watts? Also balasts? which ones are worth the money, digital? or magetic? Is the standard bulb the right choice or will the extra money for the Hortalux pay off? Where would someone get a good price and a good product??? Which ballasts if any should we stay away from? and how much difference to the hoods really make other than being air coolable don't they all reflect down well I mean what else would they be made to do? Thanks for any and all help.. Peace and good growing.... Will show the veg my first babies are doing when I get some help with my questions. They are in soil now but vegging so nice and I will be going to hydro whenever I can find a seedbank (not nirvana) that won't steal my cash... And yes they said it was lost in the mail. Sure it was.... Hope they are not ripping off you guys too....?


Well-Known Member
Build a quality room... dont skimp on lighting or ventilation. alot of good ideas in DIY sections (do-it-yourself) . Homemade bubble cloner, airscrubbers, just about anything yo can buy, someone has made 1 for less. dont waste big $$$ on carbon filters like i did at first. you can make them from supplies found at wallmart, even better is a febreze bucket/air scrubber for about 10 bucks to make.

Make sure to have air & light tight room. air tight helps keep pests out, light tight is for complete darkness during dark hours and so you dont have any lights glowing during the on time for anyone to see.