Lights were off for 3 days during 7th week of flower, will turning back on hermie???! HELP!

William Shatter

Well-Known Member
So I had to go on a business trip and thought i had my 7 day timers set but apparently I gapped out and didnt do it before I left. Plants were left without light for about 3 days they are in the 7th week of flowering. Still tons of white hairs poking out.. Will throwing them back under lights on 12/12 for a few days help or damage them? can they turn hermie that fast? Should I just chop em now??
I would put them back on 12-12 schedule and keep an eye out for bananas-pollen sacs and let it finish. I would assume the three days off may speed things up..dunno. As far as turning hermie that will depend on how much it was stressed from no light for three days..
They just had a loooooong night. They should be fine, I would think. I don't know honestly, but all you can do is try.

In my experience, I've subjected mine to a 36hr night in order to realign the light cycle to me and my schedule. I can't imagine that three days of darkness would do too much damage. I wonder at which point do they stop photosynthesizing? After how many hours of darkness would plant processes be detrimentally affected? I dunno, maybe @Dr. Who could tell us...

It sounds like you'll want to continue the flower schedule and hope for the best.

Sorry, I wish I had a better answer for you. I've personally seen 36hrs of dark right before flower onset with no apparent detriment.

Good luck to you.
Yea i mean ive heard of ppl putting them into 48-72 hrs darkness prior to chopping, but never turning the lights back on after 3 days.. but ive heard the buds mature and thc doesnt degrade during darkness, dont really know what that means lol but seeing them now they look fatter and frostier, im going to put them back under and see what happens. The trichs arent amber yet, and the pistils are still white and pokin out the top of some buds, almost looks like more white hairs since before they went into the dark period.. so we'll see what happens in another few days-a week with lights on.

Ive also heard of ppl finishing white widow in darkness for the last 2 weeks.. so i dont think the darkness is an issue, i was just worried that putting them back under lights may fuck them up, but with only a week or less to go I dont even think they would have time to develop bananas or anything like that would they?
They just had a loooooong night. They should be fine, I would think. I don't know honestly, but all you can do is try.

In my experience, I've subjected mine to a 36hr night in order to realign the light cycle to me and my schedule. I can't imagine that three days of darkness would do too much damage. I wonder at which point do they stop photosynthesizing? After how many hours of darkness would plant processes be detrimentally affected? I dunno, maybe @Dr. Who could tell us...

It sounds like you'll want to continue the flower schedule and hope for the best.

Sorry, I wish I had a better answer for you. I've personally seen 36hrs of dark right before flower onset with no apparent detriment.

Good luck to you.

This late in the game. It might make them finish a few days later......
Nah, shouldn't make her throw nanners......I find other factors of environment as greater herming threats then lighting or even light leaks of a minor nature.. High N late in bloom - Heat stress or a reveg issue..
what kind of timer do you have that you need to set it for 7 days? Most of the digital ones I've seen let you run a 1 day schedule and have it repeat every day.
what kind of timer do you have that you need to set it for 7 days? Most of the digital ones I've seen let you run a 1 day schedule and have it repeat every day.

I only bought this 7 day timer cuz I was going away. Obviously did me no good cuz I didn't even set it lol. Now I plan on just never leaving my house. Ever. Lol
The real question is how done are they, do you got pictures, they may or may not be ready, if they aren't ready I highly doubt your going to cause too many problems and like others said who care's even if you did hermie which I really don't find happening unless you've had a ton of problems with your lights going on this grow
They were healthy until about the 6th week of flwering when they got these lil red spots/rust spots. Didn't really see a point in correcting it since I would just be flushing with water for the next cpl weeks anyways. And couldn't seem to find out what it was exactly. Some said cal/mg deficiency some said phos deficiency. All seemed a little late in the game to worry much about tho. What you think?
all there is to do is flush and harvest . Great looking plants ! - at this point you can't fix any nurient issues - too late harvest and enjoy your work !!!!!
Unfortunately, a few of my employees have made this mistake when leaving going to conventions etc... they will be fine nothing will happen but a tad more crystal production. Not to mention we have friends who run something similar in the end of their cycles. Dnt worry. Good Growin...
Hey so taking another look at the shots i posted.. the cop colas that are pushing out all these new white pistils, is that foxtailing? and is that a bad thing? i took a few more today ill post them up