Lights went out in storm!

alright so at 2am when my lights come on had a power outtage from storm power didnt come back on till 5 am. my plants are currently in flowering. question is will having an extra 3 hour dark period affect my girls at all??


Well-Known Member
You're lucky, I was in the middle of a flower period and we lost power for 16 days with the temps below freezing.


Well-Known Member
I heard the midwest got hit with a crazy wind storm?? lots of people without power apparently


Active Member
My power went out at 8am the other day and my lights were suppose to come on at 2pm and my power didnt come back on till 5pm.. Thank god for sun light lol


Active Member
I don't think a few periods of darkness here and there during light cycles will hurt. In nature you get really cloudy stormy days they provide practically no lumens and things turn out just fine. Now, if you miss 2 or 3 days straight you might have a worry, but a couple of hours here and there won't hurt.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Light during dark period = bad

Dark during light period = ok. It won't ruin the cycle or stress the plant.

You need to adjust your timer to compensate for the time the power was out though. If your power was off for 3 hours your timer was not keeping track of that. That time during the power outage would be lost. IE your power goes out at 2am and your timer shuts off, when comes back on at 5am it doesn't know 3 hours elapsed - it still thinks it's 2am. The whole schedule will be shifted by 3 hours. Adjust the timer so you are on the same schedule as before.


Active Member
That's why you get a digital timer that has a battery. Picked up a decent 15A one at Lowes for 20 bucks. 4 always on, 4 timed outlets. Even has twistable covers for unsused sockets to prevent water and contamination.


Well-Known Member
That's why you get a digital timer that has a battery. Picked up a decent 15A one at Lowes for 20 bucks. 4 always on, 4 timed outlets. Even has twistable covers for unsused sockets to prevent water and contamination.

Have you looked into these?

The wrong ones can be a fire hazard if not careful,so be careful.And are you referring to the black one with the 8 sockets on the bottom then the buttons abve that then the display at the top with a round face kinda?Me got the same one,but is used for smaller stuff like T5,fans and stuff.


Active Member
Everything in a grow room is a fire hazard lol. But yeah, I have it screwed to the wall, above plant level so it won't get wet. Unused covers are closed. It's white though, not black. Home Depot had the black one I think but everything in my grow room is already white!
Cool thanks everybody. i have a digital timer but since i've been laid off from work and am home all day and night I have no need for it. The only time I ever use it is when I know that im not gonna be home in time to either turn lights off or on.