Lights on the underside of plant leaves


Active Member
Recently i was thinking about ideas to grow better weed and i came up with several but one really struck me as being either a very good idea or my idea that wouldnt impact the plant at all or it might even harm it. The idea was if you angled cfl lights diagonally from the bottom of the stem so that the underside of the leaves and the bottom of the plant (which gets very little light) were exposed to the light. I think the plants would greatly benefit from the added light and the bottom half of the plant would be prompted to grow healthier and larger, however i dont know whether the undersides of the leaves (which the cfls would mainly be targeted at) can absorb light or are as efficient at absorbing light as the top of the leaves. Also i wasnt sure if undersides of the leaves had the natural light protective layer that the top of the leaves have(this is important because the lights may burn the undersides of the leaves if this layer is not present or as effective). Just so you know the angled cfls would be used in conjunction with lights on top of the plant. If what ive said does not make sense to you ive added an attachment that should illustrate it for you. I would appreciate feedback on the subject as i dont know that much about the light absorbing capabilities of the undersides of marijuana leaves.


Well-Known Member
u should try it.. its the only way to know for sure. i think its a great idea to try. if my little ones are going to be flowered under cfls i will try it too.


Well-Known Member
plants do not process light from the undersides of their leaves. You might end up drying or burning your plant.


many cfl growers have position their cfl's this way, it wont just hit bottom leafs though. if you take a look at major toke's journal, and garden knowm has a pic of good cfl placing as well in his gallery.