Lights on after planting?


Well-Known Member
My best advice, try not to spend too much time looking at them.

In the beginning, it's easy to look at them 20, 30, 50, 100 times a day. Because it's exciting and rewarding to see them. Eventually that will pass and you can go days without looking at them. It's OK to check in on them, but the more you check them, the slower they seem to grow. From experience, i know this. :lol:


Well-Known Member
They sprouted yesterday morning but haven't changed a bit, is this normal?
They will take a bit to show the first set of leaves, and then they will seem like they almost stop growing for awhile, while they build out their roots, and then they will start taking off. A lot of new growers will start watering them when they look like they stop growing, because they think they need more water...don't do that. As long as the soil is damp (not wet) they will do much better during that process.