LIGHTS LEFT ON! screwed?


I f-ed up big time.
I discovered that a random cfl I had in my flower room was plugged into the dedicated "fan" outlet, not the "light" outlet... So has since has been on 24/7 for probably 4-5 days. ... :-(
They've been flowering for 4 weeks, and bud production looks more like 2 weeks, with some weird leaf growth. ... So, I have at least 6 weeks more to go.
It seems as if it has started going back to veg..:!::!:
Is this lost? Am I better off scrapping it and starting over? Will it be worth it to continue with it for the rest of the time and see what happens?


600w, 5x5room, plus one cfl.
4 plants, (2 JackTheRippers, SourFlower, ChemDawg)
Each are 5-feet tall in 5 gallon geopots and buckets.


Well-Known Member
ouch!!! souds like a reveg... you may wanna cut ... BUT if you proceed watch for possable die back of old flowers or hermi issues... i've seen it done but it aint easy

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I would not scrap them yet. I would put them in Darkness for 36-48 hours and restart your 12/12 again. I have had the same thing happen, and all turned out just fine.


Active Member
i would just start um back on 12/12 an see how they go, think they mite take longer to fully flower out now but all of this is just a random guess


Active Member
I would still put them in 36 hours of dark first, to give her that OH SHIT!!! I need to flower now, syndrom.
ye but couldnt she also go Oh Shit!! im gonna die an go hermi an pollinate itself in a desperate act to make seed also?? i dunno proper noob here but i would think less stress the better, just i have herd of people doing a similar dark period style thing in order to produce male flowers?


Active Member
i mean 12/12 light is nuff to tell it that it needs to flower now, dunno i stick to wat i said get um bak to 12/12 an try keep um happy an hope for the best no point chucking um out this far in, ive had plants that yellow all over due to many mistakes an when they got the right conditions again they pulled through, just saying i was well happy i didnt waste months of work an waiting, why not germ a few seeds an get um in veg while u wait if u can! anyways hope it works out for ya man watever happens


Well-Known Member
i mean 12/12 light is nuff to tell it that it needs to flower now, dunno i stick to wat i said get um bak to 12/12 an try keep um happy an hope for the best no point chucking um out this far in, ive had plants that yellow all over due to many mistakes an when they got the right conditions again they pulled through, just saying i was well happy i didnt waste months of work an waiting, why not germ a few seeds an get um in veg while u wait if u can! anyways hope it works out for ya man watever happens
Go with the flow dude! I would forget it happened and go strait back to 12/12. No more stress right? :leaf:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Sure 12/12 is cool also. I do not understand the fear everyone has about plants hermieing at the littliest mishap. I have grown 100's of plants, and I have screwed up on lights and what not from time to time, and have to this day have not seen a hermie or seed on any of my plants. But then again, some strains, especially if they come from feminized seeds are more pron to hermie then others. Maybe I just get lucky.


bud bootlegger
Sure 12/12 is cool also. I do not understand the fear everyone has about plants hermieing at the littliest mishap. I have grown 100's of plants, and I have screwed up on lights and what not from time to time, and have to this day have not seen a hermie or seed on any of my plants. But then again, some strains, especially if they come from feminized seeds are more pron to hermie then others. Maybe I just get lucky.
i agree completely with lord dingly bits hands down the best answers in this thread.. the couple of days of darkness will get them out of the veg mode and once they go back to 12 / 12, they should start to flower again pretty quickly and doing the dark period should be the best bit to limit anymore stress to them ime..


Active Member
Sure 12/12 is cool also. I do not understand the fear everyone has about plants hermieing at the littliest mishap. I have grown 100's of plants, and I have screwed up on lights and what not from time to time, and have to this day have not seen a hermie or seed on any of my plants. But then again, some strains, especially if they come from feminized seeds are more pron to hermie then others. Maybe I just get lucky.
ye man id say you lucky or a real good grower! i had a plant hermi on my 2nd grow (only on 3rd now lol ) wasnt from light period being messed up but being my 2nd grow i had all sorts of problems was a learning one for sure as is my current, it was a feminized seed alright, lucily it only pollinated one branch didnt even notice till harvest an few seed popped out during trimming, only got like 30 seeds in total was pretty happy tbh! :)


Active Member
Call it the "full moon" effect, go back to 12/12 - you have absolutely nothing to lose. Next time check the grow during "lights out" to make sure...