Lights for a very small crop


Hi! Total newbie in growing and i was thinking about trying to grow just a couple of plants 1 or 2 in a closet in my dorm room and to find what it takes to grow and just for persnal use. So the point is i don't want to draw any attention to my room with electricity charges or something and thought you could advise me what lights should i better use for 2 plants. Don't really want to spend big money on fancy high woltage lamps so maybe there are some cheap lights i could buy in a local store? Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Hi! Total newbie in growing and i was thinking about trying to grow just a couple of plants 1 or 2 in a closet in my dorm room and to find what it takes to grow and just for persnal use. So the point is i don't want to draw any attention to my room with electricity charges or something and thought you could advise me what lights should i better use for 2 plants. Don't really want to spend big money on fancy high woltage lamps so maybe there are some cheap lights i could buy in a local store? Thank you!
If you can get to a hardware store a little 70-150w HPS security light and an exhaust fan for temperature control can do wonders. They do get wicked hot however, so you may end up investing in a few odd little bits used in creative ways to keep temperatures under control.

Otherwise, get to a hardware store anyway and buy a heap load of light bulb sockets, cords and 23+ watt CFLs. That's ACTUAL watts, NOT CONVERSION!

It'll probably cost you about the same, many will say HPS is better but CFLs are a lot easier to get, especially since you can start off with just a few and add more as the girls get bigger.

The trick with HPS is proximity and temperature control. The trick with CFL is balanced distribution.


Hope you got odor under control in that dorm room or the lights are gonna be the least of your worries!


Active Member
I agree with shawn... How big of a problem is odor? pretty big I would assume? Do you have that covered yet?

I try to asess the steps from most important to least important.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you're going to need odor control for sure. I guess you can use the ONA blocks, but I would use that for supplementary odor control. You need to build a grow box of some sort.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you do one plant, with say two or three CFL's and a fan - plus some damn good odor control - you might get away with it. I really wouldn't recommend growing in a dorm, however.
just hit up walmart they got some grow lights therre i think they may be 2 footers grab to of them they should be around 10 bucks each