cheesy funky soapy piney peaches. kinda!Wow! What does it smell like?
Frosty!The Discobiscuit came out great this round
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thanks mate. Any particular breed of horse? lol. a lot of my fam are horsey mad! sister has a gorgeous welsh cob, hes a right character!^beautiful buds and beautiful photo!
thanks mate. Any particular breed of horse? lol. a lot of my fam are horsey mad! sister has a gorgeous welsh cob, hes a right character!
Fat realized that one of two possibilities existed and only two; either Dr. Stone was totally insane – not just insane but totally so – or else in an artful, professional fashion he had gotten Fat to talk; he had drawn Fat out and now knew that Fat was totally insane.
paha! well, there you go! everyday's a learning day!Horselover Fat is what Philip K. Dick calls himself when he writes about his life in third person in his book Valis.
He mostly wrote scifi though. I always recommend people read some of his books, but A Scanner darkly is very good and funny as a movie too and it's a great way to see if you like his style.
yeah the fisheye is great in the garden, man - its about the only time i can use it!Love the wide angle shots!
What does each tent smell like?
Space Monkey - GG4 x Wookie15
Mycoteks GG4 BX3. Repotted and thrown in the 3x3
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