lights, camera, procrastination.

scored me some 12 of those cheap arrow boards the other day, finally gonna utilize that unused 185h-c700b driver i added to my driver panel ages ago in hindsight of some sidelighting
sounds good, using them as side lighting then? ive not seen those boards.
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sounds good, using them as side lighting then? ive not seen those boards.

Arrow keeps cycling the price on them (inFlux L09. SL-B8V7N90L1WW) between 5- 24 smackeroos. Guess they are trying to shift stock. Does not use 561 or 301B, so not as efficient. Very tempting though. Lot of posters in iPerculates thread have snapped them up cheap.

4x4 quantum board V1 2700k

Not even sure whats in here, 12 x possibly some of everything...Clusterfunk, ChemKesey, GuavaWookie, TK x Strawberry....ummmm Black Triangle

Ummm Spider complaints...nothing's on fire...

main thing is i managed to keep the Discobiscuit under a meter and pretty easily, so gonna run this and summin else on a rack...maybe the other Disco pheno...
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Sweet build system. I see an opportunity for UK/EU based vendor of that Chinese extrusion. Ideal for running led strips at higher currents.

Lukio have you got ballpark idea on efficiency, and space you thinking of? When you say racks, do you mean rack/shelves like in a warehouse? Or rack as in rack light like fluence spyder?

The choice of led is boggling. Aside from the digikey/mouser route,there are quite a few UK based suppliers, and even cutter. Bet some of the gurus could assist with spec-out of BOM's for various product to suit situation.

Yo yeah i like GG's heatsinks, man. theyre probably in Europe somewhere, no? ive got no idea. i'll probs just use C channel because of price...

for the rack stuff i mean this kinda thing. im doing this later in the year but with diy strips...4 foot trays.

Screenshot 2020-04-27 at 18.14.30.png

lostleafs great, he documents everything on the live streams and talks a lot about the mistakes he's not taking enough clones this time... 2nd run should be better.

i thhhhiiiinnnnkk im gonna try the Vestas cause the nerds recommend them and im gonna need a boat load.

But before that im building a light for a normal 4x4 area at home out of the H-influx L09...ive had em ages...whoops.