Lights came on 3 hours earlier in veg the day plants were flipped to 12/12 ?


Well-Known Member
I'm not a happy camper lol

Ive Had a busy couple of days away from my gro, so I asked my friend to keep a eye on my girls whilst I was sorting out my first commercial grow at a diffrent location that was 50mile away from my personal grow.

Anyway, my plants have been on 18/6 from the start of there life and they are 36 days from sprout,

The problem is , my plants were ready to go into flower the next time the lights went out ' but the timer broke and my friend wasn't preared for this to happen so he didn't think anything of it until the light shut of at 7am ready of the 12/12 of 7pm too 7am.
until I mentioned that lights on! was at 10pm not 7pm no one was none the wiser?

So my question is , will my plants be OK with this happening?

(6) hour sleep
(18) hour lights on
(3) hour sleep
(12) hours lights on
(12) hours sleep

Will this mess my plants up? I already had a green house white widow that was flowering under the 18/6 for some reason and no! I didn't buy AUTO's they were femz I bought in a pack of 5.

I'm just going to leave it and keep a eye out for hermies ' light coming on 3 hours early in veg I don't think is all that bad but also going off after 12 hours and going streight into the 12/12 cycle I'm not sure??


Well-Known Member
Not to worry unless you make a habit of doing that... Plants will be fine...
Thank God lol
This isn't my first "rodeo but' as you will know yourself , growing ganja is a life long learning experience ' and every plant grown from seed could potentially throw the kitchen sink at you if your not careful lol

I think I'm just going to let them veg a extra couple days ,and at the end of the 2nd or 3rd day let them sleep for a full 12hours then flip?

I'm a little j the dark about my white widow that has been producing flowers 'whilst in the 18/6 period? It's a little more than just end of veg pre-flower's with a few white hairs shooting up between the nodes just look for yourself in the picture box below..
Widow is at the back , since this picture 3 days ago it's still happening look at picture 2 for a closer look

I dope I haven't got a AUTO ? Shouldn't be since it came out of a GREENHOUSE SEED packet of 5 fem's ?
I have heard people say that , some strains can start producing flowers in veg' after 5weeks? But doesn't this mean the plant has changed its hormone levels itself 'regardless of lighting?
I can't find any information about this percific topic in detail anywhere?
I have 2 sour d in that scrog also ' I'm now finding out multiple strain in 1 scrog isn't for the faint harted lol
At least I'll have a 2x2 full of fat cola's?


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
From the looks of those flowers - They are around 3 weeks into flowering. WW is one of my favorites with one in the mother room. I'm letting 5 strains go over 100 days to get them into amber land. The WW was killer last time, but I need amber for stronger meds.

I've read that some put them their crop into 48 hr. dark period to straighten them out. I would go with that as it won't turn them hermie... I think too many mistakes in timing, light leaks, and poor lighting are the biggest reasons people get hermies...


Well-Known Member
From the looks of those flowers - They are around 3 weeks into flowering. WW is one of my favorites with one in the mother room. I'm letting 5 strains go over 100 days to get them into amber land. The WW was killer last time, but I need amber for stronger meds.

I've read that some put them their crop into 48 hr. dark period to straighten them out. I would go with that as it won't turn them hermie... I think too many mistakes in timing, light leaks, and poor lighting are the biggest reasons people get hermies...
Here is a couple shots from today20170405_165702.jpg 20170405_165658.jpgI'm stumped to whas going on?

Maybe a dodgy auto in with the fems I purchased?

Flowering on a 18/6 ????
Must be a auto?


Well-Known Member
Greetings, not following the math. 30hr days?


Kinda looks like a gas lantern routine/12-1 schedule. So to answer no it won't hurt anything. And it will quasi flower on a glr

Los Reefersaurus

Well-Known Member
technically it takes 3 days for your plants to adjust to a new light cycle. So there is nothing for you to be worried about. I think you can technically say you will go 12 hours longer in flower, but you will produce 12 hours more bud.

But really everything is fine. IF you really wanted to sort out the sleep schedule look into 730 nm light


Well-Known Member
Greetings, not following the math. 30hr days?


Kinda looks like a gas lantern routine/12-1 schedule. So to answer no it won't hurt anything. And it will quasi flower on a glr
Sorry for confusing things!
The light was on its usual 18/6 when the light came on 3 hours early" the 1 hour was a typo.

I was throwing them in to 12/12 the next few days but was unsure due to the density of the preflower
Should I start feeding her a bloom dose now?
I'm in coco/perlite ,400whps
Water/feeding every day 700ppm and slightly lower at times, a equal measure of gh 3 part 7ml 7ml 7ml & Epsom

Maybe go 5ml 10ml 15ml
With empom?
Background ppm is [email protected]


Well-Known Member
Sorry for confusing things!
The light was on its usual 18/6 when the light came on 3 hours early" the 1 hour was a typo.

I was throwing them in to 12/12 the next few days but was unsure due to the density of the preflower
Should I start feeding her a bloom dose now?
I'm in coco/perlite ,400whps
Water/feeding every day 700ppm and slightly lower at times, a equal measure of gh 3 part 7ml 7ml 7ml & Epsom

Maybe go 5ml 10ml 15ml
With empom?
Background ppm is [email protected]
Me; I would feed it grow nutes first 7-10 days if it's a stretchy strain. If compact indica go bloom (5-6 N-ish)since it's not gonna elongate much.

250 ppm of background minerals ain't to bad just depends on metal levels. I would 5ml ca:mg, if just EPs then 5-10 per and watch it.

Liquid seaweed is your friend.;-)


Well-Known Member
Here is a copy of my water report for my erea, do you think these levels of calcium are OK at 61mg/l
And magnesium at 9 8mg/l ?Screenshot_2017-03-27-10-20-39.png Screenshot_2017-03-27-10-20-20.png
Screenshot_2017-03-27-10-20-51.png so is cal/mag needed with these levels of calcium
Magnesium ?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Some add extra mag in the 2nd, 3rd. and fourth week of flowering. Plants will be okay if the soil isn't too hot and you don't pour nutrients on like a fish out of water...


Well-Known Member
Some add extra mag in the 2nd, 3rd. and fourth week of flowering. Plants will be okay if the soil isn't too hot and you don't pour nutrients on like a fish out of water...
I water 3 plants 1.5litre in 11litres of' almost 50/50perlite with no more than [email protected] every day since week 3 from sprout?

Do to think I should leave 1 dry day in between feeds?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I water 3 plants 1.5litre in 11litres of' almost 50/50perlite with no more than [email protected] every day since week 3 from sprout?

Do to think I should leave 1 dry day in between feeds?
Let the plants droop after it's been watered - the roots don't do well when wet all the time and can lead to root rot and fungus gnats if in soil that doesn't drain well.

50/50 perlite sounds like they are almost growing in a coco medium? With 50/50 perlite it has to be draining fast I would think...


Well-Known Member
Let the plants droop after it's been watered - the roots don't do well when wet all the time and can lead to root rot and fungus gnats if in soil that doesn't drain well.

50/50 perlite sounds like they are almost growing in a coco medium? With 50/50 perlite it has to be draining fast I would think...
Yea! the dranage is working well ' I haven't seen any signs of over/underwater and I've been watering everyday since sprout with no I'll effects

I was feeding all 3 plants the same ratios of gh 3part 'but now I have done a separate feed for the strange behaving white widow lol

Do you think the stretch is almost over then if she has indeed started flowering a while back?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Yea! the dranage is working well ' I haven't seen any signs of over/underwater and I've been watering everyday since sprout with no I'll effects

I was feeding all 3 plants the same ratios of gh 3part 'but now I have done a separate feed for the strange behaving white widow lol

Do you think the stretch is almost over then if she has indeed started flowering a while back?
In time mold and mildew will probably set in if it keeps getting water everyday in soil - Not sure how it works with your medium mix.

If the WW is in 12/12 now leave it... The plant has started its genetic countdown. Give it love and attention and it will make you happy on your first day of smoking it. Hell of a strain! I'm curently doing WW, Girl Scout Cookie, Northern lights, Cherry Wine (no THC), and Afghani...


Well-Known Member
Thought! it would be a good idea to take down the scrog net before things got out of control with the widow being a stretchy bitch lol plus' it's going to make watering a lot easier.

I'm growing in a hydroponic medium with canna coco pro+ & perlite 60/40 ishh?
So from what I've been told 'and the threads I've read , watering everyday multiple times if you can 'is a good way of getting more oxygenated nutrient water to the roots

When I water my plants that are in 11litre square pots' with good dranage & stacked right , I water with 1.5 litre each plant until I get runoff..
The runoff is usually aroind 10/30%
I have started leaving a day out here and there to let the media dry a little thou?

Just a way I have decided to go with this run but doesn't mean I'm stuck with this regime, if it doesn't work I will change it up?

Little lights on picture for your reward lol
Day 2 from 12/12
Day 39days from sprout
41days from germ



Well-Known Member
Yeah coco is harder to over water, I personally do every 2 days or 3 depending on size of plant and pot but having grown in 11ltr pots many times you shouldn't have issues treating it as you are. The run off helps draw more oxygen through the medium and keep roots health.
Sounds like your on the right track with what your doing


Well-Known Member
I'm not a happy camper lol

Ive Had a busy couple of days away from my gro, so I asked my friend to keep a eye on my girls whilst I was sorting out my first commercial grow at a diffrent location that was 50mile away from my personal grow.

Anyway, my plants have been on 18/6 from the start of there life and they are 36 days from sprout,

The problem is , my plants were ready to go into flower the next time the lights went out ' but the timer broke and my friend wasn't preared for this to happen so he didn't think anything of it until the light shut of at 7am ready of the 12/12 of 7pm too 7am.
until I mentioned that lights on! was at 10pm not 7pm no one was none the wiser?

So my question is , will my plants be OK with this happening?

(6) hour sleep
(18) hour lights on
(3) hour sleep
(12) hours lights on
(12) hours sleep

Will this mess my plants up? I already had a green house white widow that was flowering under the 18/6 for some reason and no! I didn't buy AUTO's they were femz I bought in a pack of 5.

I'm just going to leave it and keep a eye out for hermies ' light coming on 3 hours early in veg I don't think is all that bad but also going off after 12 hours and going streight into the 12/12 cycle I'm not sure??
Why bother with the one hour on? Just go 10 hours off, then 12 on, 12 off.

Edit - NM, I see that was a typo. Shoulda read the whole thread.


Well-Known Member
This is my first coco grow so I don't claim to know a lot at all'but 'I definable won't be using gh 3part after this batch because the recommended doses are other to strong or too weak for my plants

I have noticed ca & mag deficiency's? even though using calmag/Epsom would sort it and it did for a while?

Flora nova bloom 1part is my next choice simple!