

New Member
hello everyone so im reading SeeMoreBuds Book: Marijuana Buds for less and have a question about lighting in the book it says to use 6 42watt CFL light bulbs with reflectors but i have a really nice 150watt HPS light system that i bought is this sufficient enough then the CFL lights?


Active Member
150w is 16,000 lumens approx. Sufficient for a plant, I have HTG 150w as supplemental but the main reason I bought it initially when I had cheap led was the 150w club; it has some decent journals of 150w hps grows. You can get most 150w pretty close to plant without much issue as long as you got good ventilation, one of my taller buds on sativa plant under 400w has jumped over to 150w area n its about 3-4 inches from bulb, cooler then the other colas under 400w at 15 inches.

Using 55f degree air from 5,000 btu ac to keep temps down but 150w don't give off much heat anyway, should be ok using minimal ventilation (fresh air intake cooler then ambient temp of room).


New Member
Thanks i don't think i could do more than 2 plants in my grow room anyway cause its a small 5ft high x 4ft x 4ft cubby hole i have a 6 inch 2 speed fan going full blast that keeps the temp around 78-80 degrees and have mylar covering most of the small cubby hole to reflect the light from the 150w HPS.


Active Member
mm yeah my room was 78 without AC on, and I was running 150w with temps on colas at about 82-83, so I mean its not ideal for me considering I have AC, but you might beable to pull off a grow as long as she doesn't show too much stress and you keep good circulation, and try to get some fresh air from outside if possible through a window fan or something simple, maybe just cracked window at the least during winter or colder season.


Well-Known Member
that light will work fine. you should put those cfl in the room as well 6500k white color, and you will be doing very well. mixing the 2700hps red and 6500k white, ok way to go, for a personal grow set up. the plants will love it. trust me its worth adding the cfl with the hps, first harvest healthy larger plants, also you could flower with the combined as well , quality will be very high compared to just hps, ..... hps is more yield . cfl white color is quality, so a lot of personal growers mix or us white 6500 to flower, if your going after a few more grams then just add another hps. hope my opinion helps.


Active Member
Is a good start for first grow, little nervous about the wires around all the DWC or water setups if thats what that is, but should be good to go.


New Member
yeah this would be my 2nd Grow in total my first grow produced about an ounce but it was cut short because of a storm that knocked out power for like a week so i harvested early


Well-Known Member
Looks good. Why is it on top of the tub? I don't see anything in the tub and if there is its going to stretch


New Member
its on top of the tub so i can have the plant close to the 150watt until it gets a little bigger not using the bubbler at this time except to put the plant closer to light


i miss my smoke room we had to downgrade houses when i quit working to go back to school it does suck but now i smoke all over lol


New Member
yeah this counts as my smoke and grow room while in college im living with my girlfriends parents and her dad is a nurse and mom works security for pinkertons so i turned this little cubby closet into my smoke/Grow room to help keep down the smell and hide that im even smokin in the house


Well-Known Member

WTF is the matter with you people. Can you not think for yourselves?

CFLs are bad for you, your pets and OUR environment

LEDs blow them away, and although they cost more, last many years longer

Home Depot sells Cree A 19 globes for $10-13. Search RIU for captainmorgans awesome grow using only them