lighting times


New Member
hey folks, so im near 2 weeks into my 1st grow.. ive had lighting on 24 hours just, when should I change my lighting times and what do I change it to? thanks for any help...


Well-Known Member

24 for rooting cuttings
18 For vegetative
12 for flower.

Tell us about your room and setup.
Do you have height restrictions.

Also what variety are you growing.?


New Member
thanks, no no restrictions its pretty basic, just a 600w lamp and im using auto pots with coco. theres 3 dragon breath, kush, skunk and alaskin ice...


New Member
when does vegetative start and how long does it last? im just learning everything as I go along. lol


Well-Known Member
Not the most effective plan but hey
it works lol.
you need to decide how big you want them to end up.

Veg starts after the clone has roots.
It can last from a week to 2 months
or more. usually anything over 6 weeks
indoors would be pretty extreme.

Unless you are growing autos
Veg ends and flowering begins
when you change the light schedule
to 12/12

The plants will stretch for about
the first 3 weeks of flowering.
To get an idea of when to flip
you need some idea of how much your strains will stretch.

I recomend watching some videos
and reading a bunch


New Member
thanks, ive been doin a bita research from it started. I don't see them as my babies really im not ovarly fussed on them, just something to do.. beats paying for the stuff lol.
so at what week would you recomened changing the lights to18 hours and what week should I put them into flower?
thanks again


Well-Known Member
We really need to know about your lighting and the rest of your setup if we are to give educated guesses. :beer: