Hello! Was wondering if i could get some feedback please on what the general concensus is about my lighting needs for my new room. Room Dimensions - 3.8m Long, 3.0 m Wide & 1.85m Tall. My intentions are to have a dutch pot system, with rockwool medium. I was aiming at about 20 plants, 2 strains with 10 plants per strain. SOG style room, Only aiming to get them about 1m tall before flowering... I am using Sensi Seeds Black Domina and Super Skunk. I have 2 x 400 Watt Interchangable HIDs. I personally think i need another 2 x 600 watt lights, to make it 2000watts total, spread out over the whole room. Also im getting a terarium light for active UV light. Do you think this is enough light for the room?