

Well-Known Member
OK so i have been trying different lighting schedules for new seedlings to see if their growth habits will change in any way.(Based on 14 days)
I took a few seedlings and gave them one strong day of light every 7 days and the results are very surprising vs the one growing traditionally
18/6.The ones who had less light were almost yellow and looked kinda weird but... they were the biggest and had 6-8 nodes already vs the 18/6
which only had 3-4 nodes each.After the strong day of light all the plants look healthy although the experimental bunch is kinda skinny they are
going on as normal but they kinda look a month old vs 2 weeks.I had a few seeds die from human error (not planting deep enough) but i like this
method cause off less electricity and still get the desired outcome.WARNING!!! Do not try this if you do not have seeds to waste(bag seed) or at
least know what you are doing.These are just my personal results and i will continue to experiment with many strains.

This sounds so stupid but works.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I have been told that more growth happens during the night hours after the plant soaks in lumens during the day. Not sure if that is 100% accurate though... :eyesmoke: