Lighting requirements and magnetic vs. Digital


Active Member
I am setting up a room in the back of my basement as a grow room. It is 4' by 8' by 6.5' tall. Realistically I will only be using a space about 4' by 4' to grow in. (just looking to grow bud for personal use and maybe some veggies too) I have been looking into HPS lighting and have seen several different places say several different things about lighting requirements in a grow room. Also there is the debate of whether or not a digital ballast is worth the extra expense.

I have been looking on HTGsupply's at their lights. They have a 400w magnetic ballast one for about $120. I was pretty set on getting that, but then I started reading in some different places that recommended 600w for my size growing area, and that digital ballasts are amazing. So I looked into what they had for digital ballasts....a 400w one for 185 and a 600w one for 200. Obviously with that kind of cost difference I would go with the 600w setup in digital.

My question to you all is what do you think is best? 400w is cheaper to buy and run (magnetic ballast), but the 600w digital is all futuristic and shit.

Comments on your experience with light/ grow area sizes, and maybe we could settle the digitals vs magnetic debate while we are at it.

Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
The 600 puts out twice as much light as the 400 but for only 50% more power. I makes it more economical to operate and will give you some extra light for your veggies. I'd go with the 600 unless you think heat will be a problem and I wouldn't think it would be in the basement.

The digital ballast will make the lamp last longer, us a little less electricity and it will be quiet. The last reason, quiet for stealth, is the only good reason for most growers to go with digital ballasts.


Well-Known Member
the digital will probably run HPS and MH
digital = lighter, quieter, cooler
digital = longer bulb life
digital = higher lumen output
digital = auto cut off circuit


Rebel From The North
fyi digital send off a signal that is tracable. think about digital wave lengths and a portable asiliscope. using a asiliscope you can pick up on airbourne digital
signals being sent out from your garden location THATS NOT GOOD i know im going to get alot of bad feedback on this but its true thought id share, its a ongoing
problem here in alaska with jonny law rolling around neighbor hood picking up the signal. then just droping by for no real reason but to get next to your house.


Well-Known Member
fyi digital send off a signal that is tracable. think about digital wave lengths and a portable asiliscope. using a asiliscope you can pick up on airbourne digital
signals being sent out from your garden location THATS NOT GOOD i know im going to get alot of bad feedback on this but its true thought id share, its a ongoing
problem here in alaska with jonny law rolling around neighbor hood picking up the signal. then just droping by for no real reason but to get next to your house.
A good lawyer can get that shit thrown out for probable cause. Didnt the Supreme Court rule LE cant point shit at your house unless they have reason to?