Lighting question


Well-Known Member
Yes, but for optimal growth, 18/6 is probably one of the best without wasting electricity like 24/7
So does that mean 15/9 will trigger the flowering? If so will the flowering perform differently from common flowering schedule 12/12?

The Count

Well-Known Member
What's ur reasoning for 15/9... 18/6 is the way to go for veg(see everyones response) so why are u still contemplating?


Well-Known Member
15/9 is not a good time. your plants will be small at best and will not grow to their potential. Your best bet as everyone says is 18/6


New Member
It's possible I guess. But it's more about the plant not getting enough hours of light during the day to have optimum growth. I read in a scientific horticulture article that marijuana needs a minimum of 16 hours of light to promote full growth without flowering, but I know from experience that 18/6 is the best possible light schedule.
What's ur reasoning for 15/9... 18/6 is the way to go for veg(see everyones response) so why are u still contemplating?
Limited to standard hps bulb 250w. Ventilation is air unit outside of clos. No fan. Want to give minimal veg hours and hoping to go for 6 week veg. I think currently somewhere around 2 weeks. Sat bagseed. I'm worried about heat. 1Plant so I gotta depend on it to make it through.


Well-Known Member
Limited to standard hps bulb 250w. Ventilation is air unit outside of clos. No fan. Want to give minimal veg hours and hoping to go for 6 week veg. I think currently somewhere around 2 weeks. Sat bagseed. I'm worried about heat. 1Plant so I gotta depend on it to make it through.
Run that 250 18/6. Is it money holding you back on that? Hell heat is an issue from when the light comes on so add another little fan. Anything that makes the air move and exchange. Keep 15/9 and flower early and enjoy a quarter oz.
Pot can and will flower on 9 hours of darkness, depending on strain.
If it flowers on 9 hours of darkness why doesn't it flower under 6 hours when on 18/6?
Run that 250 18/6. Is it money holding you back on that?
I don't have a fan to cool the light so I am a bit nervous to have it running 18 hours a day. I will be getting a small fan in a couple days though but I don't think it'd be a safe idea to run it 18/6 as of right now currently with no fan. Okay so let me ask a question about nutes.
1 plant in a half and half mixture of miracle grow seed starting and miracle grow 3 month feed potting soil. I am wondering if that is good mix and would and when would I need to start adding bio-bizz bloom to help flowering?


Well-Known Member
Most strains of pot can begin flowering on as little as 9-11 hours of darkness according to studies by the Dutch quoted by Rosenthal. I have personally induced flowering with 10 hours as the old ballasts fried internal switches on timers and required manual switch throw to turn on. My work schedule allowed just 10 hours of dark and they flowered strong in 2 weeks and stayed 14/10.

Why won't they on 6? How the hell would I know? Do it and figure it out. I'll tell you this. You may be on to something. I live in AK and our Alaska Thunder F**k doesn't wait until 12/12 for damned sure. I was wondering about this just this week as we lose 5 minutes of light a day. Pot being photoperiod and sensitive to light time changes most certainly "notices" what us dumb humans finally notice as days shorten. So if a guy ran 24/7 for 2 weeks and began shortening the light time cycle by say 10 minutes a day for 2 weeks or . . . ?


Active Member
Yo do your idea with the shorter run for your HPS, and then have a bank of t5s that run the full 18/6 schedule. You won't flower unless you have autos and your plants will be KILLER
Okay so I guess since I wont be getting a fan for it for another cpl days and it already being on 15/9 for 2 weeks like it I might as well let it flower through. After all, it is a heavily sativa dominant bagseed. I've been looking over the 12/12 from seed thread. I have it in a 2 liter pot. So what of the nutrients? It is in a 50/50 miracle grow seed starting/miracle grow potting soil 3 month feed soil mix and I have some Bio-Bizz bloom that I haven't used. When do you think I should feed it a 1/2 dose and is it even a good idea being that its in 3 month feed mg?
I have noticed recently in the past two days what looks to be early preflowers starting to grow but right now it is two early to tell its gender but I am betting on female. So far this sativa has been vigorous. Ofcourse I know plants can preflower through veg. Never seen a 15/9 method done though.