lighting question!!

so my bulbs have gone and im skint until the end of the month, so ive had to resort to household bulbs ive got 2 x 60w bulbs and 2 x 20w would this be enuff to see me thru till the end of the month 160w in total. my plants jus started flowering any advice is welcome. also wats the lowest wattage you can grow a plant on


Well-Known Member
that should hold them, dont expect any real growth though. as for lowest, i dont think that really answerable because in reality you can stick them on ur windowsill if need be. just get your bulbs asap buddy.


Well-Known Member
hi, you should tell us what kind of lamps they are. I assume they are incandescent. Growing marijauana is possible with compact fluourescents, however I am not sure what your goal is. Are you trying to grow a dream plant? Save your money for a 600w HPS with some added blue spectrum so you can get the result you want. If not, then you might be setting up for some buds that are airey and not compact at all. I am a LED guy, but costs are prohibitive to compete with a good 600w HPS. Peace
yeh man true about the windowsill, its only 2 weeks i gotta wait. Guna get a 400w hps in a nice big wardrobe cant wait to see her fully blossom :)


Well-Known Member
im currently running a 400wat dual spectrum but sumtimes i go up to 600 or 1000. u just do what you cann afford really. there is nothing better than hid lighting though so if u can afford it you will reap the benefits.
cheers dura72 as im not a PRO and just doing it for abit of fun and free smoke ill probs stick with the 400w got to think about the electric meter 2 :(
they were on 12/12 before my bulb died do u think if i swap it to 18/6 for these 2 weeks it will be ok? natural light in the uk its practically winter now so i wont be taking my plants outside its fookin freezing out there raining all day too


Well-Known Member
Gotta love that English weather. I think if you switch to 13/11 you'll be ok. Mb even 14/10. But 18/6 mb pushing it. And use as much natural light as possible in those two weeks. Its uncharted territory for me so I'm totally guessing. I would ask my friend Jack Harer too. Just tell him I sent ya.