Lighting question...


Well-Known Member
I have a 400watt HPS. Could i keep it on 24/7? during veg?
Or is 18/6 required?

(growing bagseed and WL-Northern Lights fem.):sleep:


Well-Known Member
yes i find it best to vegg on 24/0 its easyer and less mistakes cos you never turn it off.
i vegg 24/0
then 1 day before 12/12 i turn off the lights for 24/48 hours then goto 12/12.
make sure you have a timer for 12/12 and no light leaks


Well-Known Member
i sealed my entire room an everything, windows, any cracks in walls etc patched. One concern my door, i fixed the edges an everythin so when i turn off the lights its totally dark like i cant see my hand in front of my face but if i get on the floor an look at the very bottom of my door i see a slight light leak but ONLY if i get on the floor an strain to see it ok?

Edit:Ill post a pic of problem ina day or so but anything helpful is appreciated