Lighting question

I am currently using 2 light was a rookie move to buy these but lesson learned, can I switch lighting from one 300w led and 600w led currently being used to a hps 1000w light if in the second week of flower or will this switch damage the flower process?
Don't think I have enough light with the two I am growing thee plants 7 gallon pots in a 4x4 tent.


Well-Known Member
If you have 900 true watts of led in a 4x4 that would be more than enough. I would say they should be fine but I ha e never done a swap like that so don't know.


Well-Known Member
So here's what each actually draws.
300 wattScreenshot_20201213-233532_Chrome.jpg

600 watt
In actuality between both of these light you are only getting 230 watts vs the claimed 900 watts.

Sorry man.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i like your style padawan, i too love my 1000watter mh and hps lights, never had a better crop, the depth of light penatration is amazing. you just have to have a good fan setup to get rid of excess heat