lighting question please help first grow


Active Member
Hey there kronik-

I just planted my first lil sprouts ever too and I had about 6 or 7. I have them all in one container right now (a cut up gallon milk container with water filter holes on the bottom - very cheap and talk about going green! - and im just using an unused kitchen cabinet - about 2 feet by 3 feet - for lighting I went to HomeDepot and bought just one 100w compact fluorescent light bulb - it was a cheap brand - only cost me like 7 bucks. I just screwed it into one of those old clip on desk lamps and positioned the light right above the plant with the clip part clipped onto the shelf in the cabinet. I planted the sprouts in miracle grow seed starter potting soil and watered them in to the dirt after planting. Its Monday now and I have 6 little plants starting to grow out of the dirt - some of them an inch and half high with little leaves and everything. I dont know what the future holds but so far the present is looking good with that. And I gotta say that I feel like one proud mama!


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you get the blue or cool bulbs for vegging, and then warm bulbs for flowering. Can someone reassure me on this? I've finished the GrowFAQ and am wanting to test out this knowledge.