lighting problems


New Member
Hello, novice grower here- this is my 3rd grow.

I am currently about two weeks into bloom, using 600 watt HPS lights. I woke up this morning to find that my lights had not turned on. I found out that my lighting system is faulty. I was able to get it to turn on using my MH bulb, but only after plugging and replugging my lighting system into the electric outlet. I did this because I reasoned that having lights, even if it is a different quality light, is better than having no lights. I will manually turn on and off the lights on a 12/12 schedule until my new light system arrives in two days. Will this screw up my grow because I was using HPS lights previously, and will plan to switch back to HPS once my new lighting system comes in?


Well-Known Member
I alternate hps and mh every day, no issues ever. you'll have better results actually for the benefit of multiple spectrums.