lighting options fo 1.5x2 ft. closet space?


Active Member
i'm new at this, a virgin grower in fact, and i've just started setting up a grow space in my closet. w=1.5ft. l=2ft. h=4=ft.

germination is a success and since the vegatative phase is just around the corner, i need help in choosing a lighting system. i already have three 48" 20W fluorescent tubes but im not sure if the light/lumens/lux supplied would be adequate for a healthy growth. about four to six plants can fit inside. are these lights enough? i'm thinking of switching to 40W tubes but i'm not sure if it's neccessary.

budget is tight and HIDs are rare in this 3rd world country of mine.

what do i do, oh, what do i do?


Well-Known Member
Depends I on what those lamps really are. I am not familiar with a 48" 20 watt fluorescent lamp. It should have been 32 to 40 watts and 48" long and putting out 2500 to 3000 lumens each. If so, you would probably do okay with the 7500 lumens per 3 square feet or 2500 lumens per square foot. You should probably be fine like that. If the lamps are not really 48", since that will only just barely fit in your closet, and are really 24" then they put out probably half of what we said above and you will be hurting for light but I think you would still get some harvest.

Can you get any daylight to them to supplement? Any more fluorescenet bulbs available? HID's are not essential, just as much light as you can get.