Lighting help


Active Member
Ok! This is my first post on this forum.
I had a good grow setup at my last palce a couple of years ago. Only problem is that i no longer have the 400w hps light or the space.

I have a closet that is (3.3ft h) (2.4 w) and (1.6 b)....
I want to try a cfl setup so how many bulbs do i need and what kinda wattage?

I would like to get cool white for veg and switch to warm for flowing.


Well-Known Member
Read the CFL section on lighting proximity. The ticket with CFLs is LOTS OF BULBS SURROUNDING THE PLANTS.

Do read the CFL section. ;-)


Active Member
One thing I cant find out is how to pwer the lights. Im going to get the Y sockets from home depot tomrrow but, what else will i need to do to power them????


Well-Known Member
You need a socket to plug the y splitters in. You can buy sockets with a plug on the other side at Lowes or Home Depot, or you can buy an actual socket and wire it yourself with an extension cord (I've seen em at Walmart - of course Lowes/Home Depot will always have stuff). Wiring in a socket is quite easy. I would recommend doing so and screwing the socket into a wall or something, as opposed to having it just dangling out of a plug. That way you don't run the risk of having your sockets and lights fall out of the plug onto your plants!

There are some threads about custom computer fan wiring which are simple and straightforward. Wiring a socket follows the same concepts.


Active Member
get a 250w hps/mh setup from HTG. heat shouldn't be an issue as the 250w doesn't put off much heat. an osculating fan would keep things under control

250w hps/mh

but the 400w hps/mh is $3 cheaper.. if you got an air cooled reflector you should be fine

400w hps/mh


Active Member
if you dont have the room for a 400w hps id go with a 250w hps/mh setup from HTG

250w hpw/mh

kind of a bummer though because the 400w hps/mh setup is $3 cheaper..

if you think heat will be an issue get an air cooled hood.

im planning on getting a 250w MH setup for a mini veg closet setup. 2ft x 2ft x 2 1/2ft
and dont plan on having it air cooled. an osculating fan should be sufficient


Active Member
The wiring is what I dont understand. Only wires I ever played with was in my car. Im going to go get sockets and y adapters today and try to figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Take an extension cord and snip off the female end (where you plug other things into). Now you are left with a plug and a cord. Split the wires from eachother at the end of the cord (where you snipped off the female end). Then strip about 1 inch of the plastic off of each wire (you can use scissors if you're careful -> you want to remove the plastic cover without cutting through the actual metal wiring). Afterwards, you need to determine which wire is grounded and which is charged. The easiest way to do this is to screw a bulb in the socket and then test the wires on the socket. When the bulb lights up, you have the wires on the correct sides. Then all you gotta do is screw them into the socket and you're set.

Sorry I don't have pics. Mine are already rigged and in use!