Lighting for a closet SOG


I'm an experienced grower and am setting up a new space. I'm putting a 154 site LP aero system in a closet (the system is 2 x 4) and I plan to do a SOG. However, I can't decide how to light it.

I've been leaning towards a 4ft 8 tube HO T5 for both veg and flower. I've seen some impressive SOGs done with less.

The other option, of course, would be to put in an HID, probably switchable; but then I have to deal with cooling the space and potentially drilling more holes in my antique house. (3'x5' with 12' ceiling)

Anyone care to weigh in?


Well-Known Member
even with a t5 you will still have a little heat, i would just go buy a 4 inch fan and filther, and also a 400w light system so if u want to do a bigger grow u wont have to buy another light. thats how i got started, i started with cfl's then moved up to two 4 foot t5's next was a 600w and now a 1000w. take it from me spend the money one time lol. oh yeah, youtube "srcogking" you can get a good idea of what u can do in a small space


It's not about the money. A good T5 fixture costs as much as a 400. And I already have a 6-inch fan that I'll be using for exhaust and scrubbing so I could hook a small HID like a 400 to that. However, because the tray I'm using is rectangular (2 x 4) I'm wondering if coverage of a 400 will do. Normally I use a 1000 to cover a 4' wide area, but I don't want to deal with controlling the heat of a 1000, requiring more dedicated ducting and another fan for air cooling the light.

If I use a T5 that is 4' long and 2' wide I wouldn't have as much heat to deal with, requiring only the 6" exhaust. And because it's a sog, the light penetration shouldn't be much of an issue.



Well, an aero system hanging out in a closet isn't very exciting at the moment. And actually it'll be a side project for my 22 site high pressure aeroponic system.