Lighting for 1 seed

im growing just the one seed. its sprouted and i need to get some light on it. what is the best lighting i can get for under £30 that will be reasonably effective. i was hoping to be able to go to a shop tomorrow to do this.

am from uk so don't want any more damn links to american sites.
i know questions like this come up a lot but if you could help out without posting to FAQs and stuff, i was looking for specific advice so posted.


Active Member
You could actually do okay with a handful of CFL's as a really good bulb and fixture is going to run you a bit more than you've budgeted anyhow.
I'm currently starting my grow on CFL's and I can't tell you about the final result but the seedling is growing quite fast and the cfl's are both cost effective at the store and use less energy.
Hopefully one of the more experienced guys will chime in for you though, I'm a noobie myself.
Hit the indoor grow section of the forums and check the cfl threads though, with enough of them some people have gotten some good results.