Lighting decision


Well-Known Member
hello friends, ok i gota friend whos got a little set up basicly an aeroponics garden with 5 plant and then a DWC for vegging with 6 plants 1 for mother and 5 for clones.... OK my problem is he cant decide wether to get a 400 watt or 600 watt HPS.... Im going to use them to flower and then when they arnt in the flowering chamber in the 6 plant vegging area and while its in flowering i will have CFLs in the vegging to keep them on the veg light cycle.... The flowering area is probably 2ft by 4ft or a little less do you guys think it is worth to go with the 600watt will it increase my yield i mean its almost DOUBLE THE LUMES so its got to help right? or will it be a wastes for 5 plants and just over heat my grow area? Thanks for any1 input. BTW im building a tent out of PVC and venting and cooling is an issue. THANKS


Well-Known Member
2ft x 4ft seems pretty small for 6 plants, but since there are 6 plants I would go with the 600 watt HPS.


Junior Creatologist
lol I GOT THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!!! dimensions(2x4x5 hydrohut), seperate cfl veg chamber, the works. I went with the 600w cuz i ordered a cooltube and ducting n a vortex to cool the bulb off - everyone was sayin that with the ducting and the fan, plus exhaust and an air intake fan to keep the room cool, plus the exhaust fan from the filter, there would be enough air bein pushed around to keep the bulb cool enough to get nice n close with the plants. But i dont have my equipment yet, and havent tested everyones opinions out, so i cant tell u from experience. Im just tellin u what everyone told me so you dont have to run around askin everyone like a chikkin with your head cut off, lol.


Well-Known Member
I just got my first 600 HPS light set up, and I want to tell you that they are by far the most popular and thus aren't always "in Stock" My bulb blew in just 13 days, which I surely wasn't expecting and I didn't have a back up so what ever you decide please take this info with you, GET AN EXTRA I'm not in an area with any kind of shop so I have to go online and it took 10 days to get another, actually they replaced the one that blew and I got 2 more for the unknown. I had to go with my old reliable shop lights LOL. High Tech Garden Supply They treated me real good


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks appreciate it I think im probably going to go witht he 600 if i can get the $$ b4 the seeds come if not ill just go with the 400 thatll work 2,...and the 6 plants are in an area actually smaller than the 4'x 2' ...5 plant Mother chamber but I figured those are going to be 5 clone vegging and one mother so i figured they dont really need too much room espically since there serious seeds chronic which is supposed to grow one maine cola and not many side branches. what do u think?


Well-Known Member
n that thing about the light bulb blowing scares me those are expensive andim looking at cheaper systems i bet that is a factor oo also i want to know more about Lumens and the specific spectrums plants need and what bulbs have what spectrum and what the plants need at what grow phase basicly all I kno is MH is blue spectrum and is good for vegging and HPS is red spectrum and has more lumes per watt and is good for flowering and overall more important than the MH if you had to choose only one, rite?
Im going to check faq check now but if any1 has a link or good info id like it. 8-)


Well-Known Member
yeah im going to, thanks more question with the DWC vegg area i have ..actually 2 questions...i was wondering how the roots will grow like from the begining b4 they grow down into the solution am i supposed to lyk drip feed them untill the roots grow down to the water or what? AND since im planning on transplanting from my DWC are to my larger Aeroponic/DWC flowring area im worried about the roots getting tangled b4 i transplant could I train them by every day checking them or i was thinking maybe Ill build a screen seperator and how long wuld it take for them to get tangled theyre guna b pretty close together while they are in vegging... OO and how long dus it take till u can tell if they ae female or male thanks for everything!


Well-Known Member
yeah im going to, thanks more question with the DWC vegg area i have ..actually 2 questions...i was wondering how the roots will grow like from the begining b4 they grow down into the solution am i supposed to lyk drip feed them untill the roots grow down to the water or what? AND since im planning on transplanting from my DWC are to my larger Aeroponic/DWC flowring area im worried about the roots getting tangled b4 i transplant could I train them by every day checking them or i was thinking maybe Ill build a screen seperator and how long wuld it take for them to get tangled theyre guna b pretty close together while they are in vegging... OO and how long dus it take till u can tell if they ae female or male thanks for everything!
Any information that you are wondering is on the FAQ thread, just go and read till your hearts content. Good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
anyone know where i can get the cheapest supplies? specifically PH and TDS meters? also the cheapest fans? thankx