Lighting Cycle Question


Well-Known Member
Hi All!

I recently added supplemental lighting b/c my sun room just doesn't cut it during these shortened days. At the moment, I'm running some Herijuana, NL, Skunk, and Jackberry/kush on 18/6. The heri is ready to flower, only this strain has to be done differently or my yield will suck and plants will stretch. I am going to reduce lighting to 14/10 for 2 weeks, 13/11 for 2 weeks, and 12 the rest of the way. In fact, since I only have 1 flowering room I'm going to grow all out on this schedule.

Currently the lights are off from 3-9PM. I need to flip the entire schedule so that the lights are on from 8AM-10PM...which is reversed from what they are on currently. Should I simply leave them on until 10PM, or should the change be done gradually?.

TY for any input.



Active Member
Can just flip them to your new schedule. If you feel more comfortable, you can give them an extended dark period and start with your new time as well.


Well-Known Member
Can just flip them to your new schedule. If you feel more comfortable, you can give them an extended dark period and start with your new time as well.
I figure I'm safe with a one shot change, it usually takes a repeated cycle interruption to cause self-pollination. I was just a bit concerned about the heri b/c the strain has inherent hermie tendencies.
Had to reverce the cycle of my Sugarees and Ak48's. I gave them the extra couple hours to switched them and been ok.