Lighting Costs- MUST READ


Well-Known Member

one thing that REALLY suprised me was which HPS light was actually the most effiecient... It was the 600 watt! I would have thought the bigger the more efficient.
The 250watt was 86 LUMENS per WATT
400 was 96 LUMENS per WATT
600 was 121 LUMENS per WATT
1000 was 114 LUMENS per WATT

For a new project, I was trying to decide between 1-1000 watt or 2-400 watt but I think 2-600 watt will be the way to go.... IF I can come up with the cash :)



Well-Known Member
yeah but that was over a five year period.
Plus what I am after is the most bang for my watt.
I don't want my electricity bill any higher than necessary.
