Lighting Bulbs


I'm thinking of going with a Super HPS bulb to have the added benefit of another lighting spectrum. Instead of having to switch bulbs out when changing grow stages now i can just adjust lighting hours instead and save on bulbs.

What you guys think?


After much research and common sense LOL ~ ! Yes you can veg & bloom on these I've read some people have hoods setup with MH & HPS lights but these dual spectrum bulbs are awesome and will definitly save you money and the hassle to some of changing out bulbs when switching stages.
I've read into CMH lights too but so far the highest wattage they have is 400 hopefully eventually Phillips will increase bulb wattage soon and hopefully manufacturers can make digital ballast that support these so far very few can so a magnetic ballast is the best bet for now.

Unfortunately I'm running 600W digital ballast so Super HPS bulbs will have to do.