lighting and pot questions


Active Member
whats goin on everyone?

I want to grow a couple plants and i was wondering if 2 19w = to 75 watt energy saving cfl (daylight resembalance) in 2 desk lamps & 1 18 inch 15 watt regular fl will be enough to veg and flower a plant or 2 at a time and if so how well? any suggestions other than mh and hps lights?

& also will a 6 inch around and 6 inch deep pot be big enough to grow about a 1-1/2ft plant?
if not what size is recommended?:blsmoke:

thank you so much too
anyone who helps!


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
so how well? any suggestions other than mh and hps lights?
Not all HID lights are the 400-1000W powerhouses. There's some really small MH & HPS lights out there, 60, 75, 100, 150W, all which will beat the daylights (so to speak) out of equivalent wattage CFLs.

For a really small grow, CFLs will work OK for your seedlings, small mothers & clones (and are VERY much the preferred light for seedlings and clones), but flowering really needs the high-intensity light of HPS to produce good quantity and density.

Check your local hardware store in the security lighting area.