Lighting and New Question - First Indoor Grow


Active Member
I am using a 400 watt dual HPS/MH light.

The hydro shop I went to sold me two different types of bulbs.

Need info on when to use which bulb:

1. Hortilux Enhanced Spectrum Super HPS Grow Lamp
2. Hortilux - Blue Daylight Metal Halide Grow Lamp

I just transplanted 4-5 day old seedlings into a aeroponic setup on very very weak nutes. General Hydroponics mix - PPM - 190 - pH - 5.86

Currently I am using the first bulb for vegging and was going to move to the second bulb for flowering. Can anyone out there confirm that this is correct. I moved the hours to an 18/6 schedule.

Now for the other newb question:

Can anyone recommend a timer that will allow for my pump to run at the minute interval level? Meaning, 1 minute on and 2 minutes off? Right now I have the pump constantly running which isn't necessary. I am most concerned about the main tap root getting to much water at an early age. Thoughts and recommendations?

Thanks for the help in advance...

Shout if pictures would help...



Active Member
Also... Room is cooled/vented to another area. Temp is kept at a steady 79 F and 28%-32% humidity.


Well-Known Member
OK....daylight bulb for veg, HPS for flower.
and pictures would help. And as for a minute pump timer......I think the lowest one I've seen only does 5 min increments BUT ITS HELLA EXPENSIVE.
heres a link and there are a few from the site that will probably work
Midwest Hydroponics


Active Member

I have them backwards... I am was saving the blue bulb for flower. Will change the bulb out at next cycle after it has completely cooled. Will post a couple pictures to a gallery once I get them going.

I have made 3 mistakes so far :)

1. Wrong Bulb
2. I think I transplanted from germ to early. Not sure. There was about a half inch tap root showing below the bottom of the groton cube and the first node of leaves were spread completely.
3. In my excitement and haste, I forgot to wash the hydroton before I potted them. pH and PPM had to be slightly adjusted, but both were well within range of tolerance. I am going to change the weak nute solution halfway through the week to clean the crap out of the 10 gal res.

Posting pictures of the setup in a minute.

The goal will be to grow 7 plants at a time and clone in an aerogarden setup...

Thanks for the info Lacy and Poly. BTW, i figured the timers would be very expensive. I am going to stay on a 25/7 aeroponic spray unless i detect problems.

Thanks for the help...

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Well-Known Member
Just checked the pics and you did a great job on the setup. Alot of people make a huge mess out of hydro systems so make sure you keep everything clean and neat. Stagnant water is not your friend. And I think your transplant was fine, no need to stress the small stuff right?

(PS. I liked your old Avatar better Lacy this new one looks like your camera got tangled in your hair and you can't free it...)
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