Lighting and Media Help ! for Large Stealth


can you take a pic of the bunkbed from a little distance so i can see it so all you have is a sheet? are the bunk beds wood?


I have a good idea for you all you would need are 4-6 peices of 2x4's nail to each corner maybe one in the middle of bed frame and make them go to the celing and staple mylar (space blanket) on and then black plastic and then for the door just use a peice of black plastic and use velcro on the wood corner and the plastic for the door just a suggestion lol i'm high n just got thinkin n its easy cheap and effective


Well-Known Member
Think of it more as a platform attached to three walls and the ceiling with the side open :P Ill post a pic when I am next home, should be tomorrow.

Peace out !