

Well-Known Member
dont read the cool or warm or daylight part look at the kelvin rating if it is around 2700k it is for flowering if it is around 4600k it is for vegging. it will tell your this info in little writting on the pack so read it.


Active Member
regarding the whole "BLUE" stars are hotter so they're the "warm" bulbs is incorrect I'm sorry to say. The nomenclature might be what makes this confusing, but the basic information is:

Blue = Daylight = Vegging
Red = Soft/Warm = Flowering

Just remember that and you're good. I'm only posting this after bringing my new "soft" bulbs home to plug them in and find that they're red in hue... means I have to go by more bulbs that are the RIGHT kind lol. There are too many names for TYPES of bulbs.
Just remember the above rule, and you'll be good to go.