Lightbulb HELP Rockwool clones not doing to good not sure what ve done wrong?


HELP Rockwool clones not doing to good not sure what ve done wrong?

hello i have 20 cuttings they have been in 4 inch rockwool for about a week now my friend sprays them with water a rhizotek solution when the lights go out but they are not showin much groth and no roots , how are you suposed to water thm and how often ? we soaked them halfway up the rokwool for 5 secs in ph5 earlier on tonight and drained it out a bit ? any help plese? they r under 2 600w abouut 10 inch above them with no dome and a little fan blowin on them
holy crap you have TWO 600w lights above them at 10"??? Thats insane... pull those lights WAYYYYY back you're probably frying em and the rockwool is just drying the ef out. also clones love humidity, so put them under a dome.. hell just use a florescent until they root


I use a cloner, but here is my question. Weather its clones or seedlings, after they starting rooting, When can I put in the 6" Rockwool cubes and under the 600 watt Light......This is all done with a flood & drain system. Thanks


Well-Known Member

I don't know if you can use an aero cloner and rockwool cubes. Many people use hydroton. I suppose you could use that rockwool floc stuff if you wanted.